CG数据库 >> 音效下载Soundethers Talis Ethers for SERUM FXP WAV

音效下载Soundethers Talis Ethers for SERUM FXP WAV的图片1

Soundethers Talis Ethers for SERUM FXP WAV | 571 Mb

Have you ever had an experience of truly subtle, cinematic textures, ever-evolving, deep, wide fields solwly moving in Serum? If "not exactly" is your answer, then TALIS ETHERS is the right soundset for you. It's an instant atmospheres builder collection, made for film and game composers, IDM, Ambient, Chillout, and a lot more, based on original field recordings and textures. We are simply suprised and delighted by the stunning results that Serum made possible in this unexplored sonic field for this synth.

Technical specifications:

- 707 Mb unzipped

- 42 patches

- 28 original noise files

- wave 44.100 / 24 bit

- Mod Wheel assigned to all patches

Soundethers Talis 醚为血清 FXP WAV |571 mb

你有过经验的真正微妙、 电影纹理,不断变化、 深、 宽领域胃液中血清运动吗?如果完全不是你的答案,那么 TALIS 醚是你正确的 soundset。它是即时大气生成器集合,电影和游戏的作曲家,IDM,四周,Chillout,和更多,作基于原始领域录音和纹理。我们都是令人惊叹的结果表明血清在这个未知的声场这 synth 可能只是又惊又喜。


-解压缩 707 mb

-42 的修补程序

-28 原始声音文件

-波 44.100 / 24 位
