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Samples From Mars VP-330 From Mars MULTiFORMAT | 7.57 Gb

The VP-330 is a vintage, 10 band analog vocoder and string synth from the late 70s, regarded as one of the best sounding vocoders of all time. It's been used by Laurie Anderson, Midnight Star, Vaneglis, Pink Floyd - the list goes on. And although there have been many vocoders in the decades since its release (including a poor excuse of a remake), the VP-330 still remains the most iconic, continuing to forge expressive and unique vintage vocal textures and sounds.

We've extensively multi-sampled this beauty, cleanly capturing presets through the famous vocoder and lush analog string section, as well as completely customizing patches, vocoding with various input carriers, harmonizing dark strings with an Eventide H3000, synthesizing trashy pads through classic third party hardware (Roland Space Echo), and more. The vocoder is one of the few categories of synthesis that has truly historical beginnings. Originally invented by Bell Labs during WWII, the vocoder provided instant communication between world leaders, safe from Nazi and Japanese eavesdroppers. FDR used it to coordinate the infamous D-Day landings with his allies, and Churchill absolutely detested the new technology, spouting how unnatural and demonic it sounded…and honestly it’s been tripping people out ever since.

Fast forward 70 years and (even though we aren't still fighting Nazis) the vocoder still manages to capture our attention through its balance of robotic and human textures - kind of like the sexy sci-fi cyborg that we still somehow find irresistibly attractive (Battlestar Galactica, anyone?) So, we got our hands on two of the most classically renowned vocoders, Roland’s VP-330 and its rack-mounted brother, the SVC-350, and went to town on some instruments and loops, in an effort to capture the elusive harmony of man and machine. During the recording process we focused primarily on three main categories: the vocoder engine, the synth engine (comprised of a rich sounding vocal ensemble and lush analog strings), and finally, a combo of both vocoder and synth. Lastly, we used the Roland SVC-350 (a rackmount unit featuring the same 10 band vocoder), and pumped drum beats through it to create some wild, melodic and percussive loops.

从火星副总裁 330 从火星繁多样品 |7.57 Gb

副总裁 330 是复古、 10 波段模拟声码器和字符串 synth 从 70 年代末,看作是一个最佳的探测声码器的所有时间。它被用于劳丽 · 安德森,午夜的星光,Vaneglis,Pink Floyd-不胜枚举。虽然几十年以来其释放 (包括翻拍个拙劣的借口) 一直很多声码器,副总裁 330 仍最具代表性,继续打造富有表现力和独特复古声乐纹理和声音及。

我们已经广泛地被多抽样,这种美,干净利落地捕捉预设通过著名的声码器和郁郁葱葱的模拟串科,以及完全自定义补丁,vocoding 与各种输入的载体,协调黑暗字符串与黄昏 H3000 合成没用垫通过经典的第三方硬件 (罗兰空间回声),和更多。声码器是合成的具有真正历史起点的几个类别之一。最初在第二次世界大战期间由贝尔实验室发明,声码器提供即时通讯世界领导人,安全从纳粹和日本的窃听者之间。罗斯福用于协调与他的盟友,臭名昭著的诺曼底登陆和丘吉尔绝对讨厌的新的技术,如何不自然和恶魔的喷它响起......,老实说它已被跳闸人,自那以后。

快速前进 70 年,(即使我们不再打架了纳粹) 声码器仍然设法吸引我们的注意力通过机器人与人类的纹理-其平衡有点像我们仍然以某种方式找到诱人性感的科幻机器人 (太空堡垒卡拉狄加,任何人吗?)所以,我们得到我们的手上两个最经典著名声码器,罗兰德的副总裁-330 和它安装在机架上的兄弟,SVC-350,,去镇上一些文书和循环,努力捕捉人与机的难以捉摸的和谐。在录制过程中我们主要集中在三个主要类别︰ 声码器引擎,synth 引擎 (组成的丰富测深声乐合奏和郁郁葱葱的模拟字符串),和最后,声码器和合成器的组合。最后,我们使用罗兰 SVC-350 (机架式单位具有相同的 10 乐队声码器),和抽水鼓点节奏通过它来创建一些野生、 旋律和撞击式的循环。