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音效下载Scarbee Classic EP-88s KONTAKT的图片1

Scarbee Classic EP-88s KONTAKT | 5.18 Gb

Scarbee Classic EP-88s has more samples, greater dynamics and more keys – 88 of them! And everyone who have tried to restore and instrument like this knows that the lowest and highest octaves takes as much time as the rest of the keys together – its a true battle where you need a lot of patience, lots of spare parts and some luck too.

We wanted to have the best possible sustain on each key, perfect balance of tone and as much bark too. There are harder strikes (compared to Scarbee Mark 1) - as well as softer ones. We spend enourmous amount of time cleaning the samples for noise – each sample went through four rounds, where the last two was done in hand. The reason for this was the fact that we wanted to be able to offer presets with extreme treble EQ settings wihout having extra noise – and without hurting any part of the recordings.

Try to select a Snapshot like 'Bahian Love Affair' – and turn the Instrument Noise totally down on the Settings page – and listen to the difference… Every musician tries to find his sound - and producers love to be able to get exactly what they are looking for. We made it easy for you: There are 45 different snapshot presets ready for you - and if you want to make your own sounds? get started with the 117 FX presets. You can even select different routings and have some FX come before or after amp. The possibilities are there for sure. As a tribute to George Duke we created a 3 zone split EQ and a stereo knob so you can carry on what this great man started.

Scarbee 经典 EP-88 公厘开播 |5.18 Gb

Scarbee 经典 EP-88 公厘有更多的样本,更大的动态和更多的钥匙 — — 其中 88!那些试图还原和仪器像这知道的最低和最高的八度音阶需要尽可能多的时间,其余的在一起 — — 键的每个人都是真正的作战,在那里你也会需要很大的耐心,大量的备品备件和一些运气。

我们想要维持在每个关键,完美的平衡,语气和尽可能多的最佳可能太树皮。更难的罢工 (相对于 Scarbee 马克 1)-还有柔软的。我们花费大量的时间清洗噪声样本 — — 每个样本经历了四个回合,最后两个在手工完成的地方。为此原因是事实,我们希望能够提供预设与极端高音情商设置没有额外的噪音 — — 并没有伤害任何部分的录音。

尝试选择像 '巴伊亚的恋情' — — 一个快照并关掉仪器噪声完全在设置页面上 — —听差......每个音乐家试图找到他的声音-和生产者爱能够得到他们正在寻找什么。我们为你做它很容易︰ 有 45 不同快照预设为你准备好了,如果你想让自己的声音吗?入门 117 FX 预设。你甚至可以选择不同的路线,有一些之前或之后 amp 的外汇。可能性是有的肯定。作为乔治公爵致敬我们创建拆分情商和立体的旋钮,所以你可以带上这位伟人的开始 3 区。