CG数据库 >> 音效下载Zero-G Shadowlands MULTiFORMAT

音效下载Zero-G Shadowlands MULTiFORMAT的图片1

Zero-G Shadowlands MULTiFORMAT | 9.3 Gb

Shadowlands - Cinematic Scene Setters is an enormous 16 GB sound library containing 50 cinematic construction kits together with textures and atmospheres, movement FX, cinematic grooves, rhythm loops and vocal FX.

The 50 construction kits present a full musical / sound design piece which is then broken up into its constituent parts (such as soundscapes, pads, atmospheres, FX, strings, guitars, percussion) so that you can use them any way you like. Fantasy, adventure, mystery, sci-fi, thriller, horror and action genres are all included in this vast library. Each construction kit is a full length standalone musical composition in its own right.

Shadowlands is the ideal companion for any professional sound designer or composer for film, TV or video games and with over 16 gigabytes of material you should be able to find something that suits your project. As well as pristine 24bit Acidized Wav Files and AIFF Apple loops this colossal library also contains over 650 instruments in Kontakt, EXS24, HALion and NN-XT format so that you can load the sounds straight into your favourite composition software.

繁多零 G Shadowlands |9.3 Gb

Shadowlands-电影场景 Setter 是一个巨大的 16 GB 健全图书馆包含 50 电影拼装玩具以及纹理和大气、 运动 FX、 电影槽、 节奏循环和声乐 FX。

50 工程成套目前一块完整的音乐 / 声音设计,然后分解成它的组成部分 (如声音、垫、 大气,FX、 字符串、 吉他、 打击乐) 好让你可以使用你喜欢的任何方式。所有包含在这庞大的图书馆中幻想、 冒险、 神秘、 科幻、 惊悚、 恐怖和行动的流派。每个施工工具包是一个全长独立音乐作品在其自己的权利。

Shadowlands 是任何专业的音响设计师的理想伴侣或作曲家为电影、 电视或视频游戏和与超过 16 千兆字节的材料,你应该能够找到的东西,适合您的项目。以及原始24 位酸化 Wav 文件和 AIFF 苹果循环此巨大的库还包含超过 650 文书在开播、 EXS24、 HALion 和 NN XT 设置格式,以便您可以直接进入你最喜欢的排版软件加载声音。