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Soundiron Emotional Piano Player Edition v3.0 KONTAKT | 2.51 Gb

Emotional Piano is a legendary virtual grand piano designed for professional soundtrack scoring, song-writing and symphonic orchestration. We carefully selected this particular walnut-bodied Kawai grand piano for it’s soft, luminous warmth and rich, resonant tone. It's the perfect paintbrush for lush and emotive arrangements. Emotional Piano is also equipped with a huge selection of uniquely sound-designed custom presets and effects patches to give you an extraordinary range of sonic flavors and creative tools.

Our powerful user interface gives you complete control over your sound, with a fully-configurable multi-FX rack and intuitive sound-shaping features. The FX rack provides you a 10-bay modular chain with full routing control and a selection of 18 of Kontakt’s best built-in DSP effects to choose from. You can arrange the effects in any order and save your own presets for later. We’ve also included dozens of Snapshot Presets that cover common use cases and provide lots of new creative possibilities. Emotional Piano is compatible with Native Instruments’ free Kontakt Player (versions 5.5.2 and later) for all VST, AU and AAX DAWs and hosts, as well as Komplete Kontrol software environment and all S-Series Keyboards with Light-Guide capabilities. Built from 4.6 GB of content, it’s losslessly compressed to an efficient 2.56 GB installed.


• 88 Keys

• An average of 10 dynamic velocity layers per key note and release

• Pedal Action Samples

• Close microphone position for a full, rich sound

• Adaptive Arpeggiator system in some presets

• FX Panel with powerful and configurable controls for every effect.

• Convolution reverb with 100+ custom natural and FX environments.

Product Specs

• 1,716 Samples

• 4.6 GB uncompressed / 2.57 GB Installed with lossless ncw compression

• 41 nki Kontakt instrument presets

• 24 bit / 44.1kHz lossless NCW format samples

• Works with the free Kontakt Player (version 5.5.2+)

Soundiron 情感钢琴玩家版 v3.0 开播 |2.51 Gb

情感的钢琴是传说中的虚拟钢琴专业电影配乐得分、 写歌和交响业务流程设计。我们精挑细选这特定核桃饱满 Kawai 钢琴为软、 夜光温暖和丰富,谐振的语气。它是完美画笔茂盛和情绪化的安排。情感的钢琴还配备独特的声音设计的自定义预设和影响修补程序的一个巨大的选择,给你一个特殊范围的声波口味和创造性工具。

我们功能强大的用户界面使你完全控制你的声音,完全可配置的多 FX 机架与直观的声音造型特点。FX 机架为您提供完全路由控制 10 湾模块化链和 18 开播的最佳内置DSP 效果可供选择的选择。你可以安排按任意顺序影响和保存您自己的预设供以后。我们还包含了数十个快照预设,涵盖常见的用例,提供了大量新的创作可能性。情感的钢琴是与本机文书免费开播播放器兼容 (5.5.2 版本及更高版本) 为所有 VST、 非盟和音色 Daw 和主机,以及 Komplete Kontrol 软件环境和所有 S 系列键盘与导光板的能力。建从 4.6 GB 的内容,它是无损压缩到安装高效 2.56 GB。


• 88 键

• 平均 10 动态速度层的每个关键注意和释放

• 踏板的动作样品

• 关闭麦克风位置为完整、 丰富的声音的

• 在一些预设的自适应的琶音器系统

• FX Panel 与每个效果的强大和可配置控件。

• 卷积混响与 100 + 自定义自然和 FX 环境。


• 1,716 样品

• 4.6 GB 未压缩 / 无损 ncw 压缩安装了 2.57 GB

• 41 nki 开播工具预设

• 24 位/44.1 k h z 无损网络中心战格式样本

• 工作与免费的开播播放器 (版本 5.5.2+)