CG数据库 >> 音效下载Soundiron Shimmer KONTAKT

音效下载Soundiron Shimmer KONTAKT的图片1

FANTASTiC | 06 Feb 2017 | 551 MB

Shimmer is a collection of 463 shimmering, glittering, sparkly percussive samples - along with FX, stingers, risers, and lush ambient pads. Each sound has been designed using carefully selected sources like bubble-gum pops, vintage toy synths, chimes, bells, whistles, shakers, and much more. From cute silly drums, adorable interface effects, to luscious risers and pads, Shimmer has got you covered for your next game or animation soundtrack.

Shimmer is also ideal for any style of modern hybrid production, from minimalist, Trap, EDM, IDM, dubstep, chillwave and glitch, to post rock, soundtrack, hip hop, downtempo, dub and ambient music. It's also fantastic for sci-fi sound design and creating user interface SFX for games and apps.

The library is programmed for the full version of Kontakt 5.5.2 and later (OSX 10.9 or later / Windows 7 or later required). It comes equipped with a custom user interface and dynamic sound shaping and mixing controls: attack, edge, release, filter resonance and cut, bank preset loading (with optional key-switching), adaptive arpeggiation and built-in convolution reverb with your choice of well over 100 different rooms, halls, spaces and special FX impulses. All of the samples are also included as categorized and clearly named stereo wave files that can be imported and used in any wav-format compatible audio environment, sampler, editor, sequencer or other audio software you like.

You can browse our full collection of brilliantly sound-designed Juno VHS libraries here and even grab the whole bundle with Crystal, Drip, Tape, Lo, Shudder and Shimmer all together in a single download at a great discount! And we have bundle upgrades available if you already own one or more of our other Juno VHS libraries.


All of the sounds are designed for complete cohesion, so that any sound can blend or be sequenced with any other sound in the library. To this end, you can achieve great results simply by turning on the arpeggiator, tweaking the sequencer dialog and mashing a bunch of keys—the results will surprise you!

The library comes equipped with flexible control features, like attack, release, transient offset, dynamic swelling, filter type selection, resonant filter sweep and a robust Arpeggiator system that provides a full range of custom dynamic arpeggiation modes and step sequencer pattern creation options. There’s also a complete DSP effects rack, including convolution reverb with dozens of unique spaces, such as cathedrals, churches, halls, bunkers, garages, tunnels, chambers, rooms and plenty of otherworldly FX impulses to fully explore and endless variety of strange and unexpected sonic manipulations.

•19 Instrument Presets with dozens of selectable articulations, performance controls, filter, pitch warping, vibrato/ring mod, Arp sequencing and full FX rack.

•162 Magical Charms

•90 UX interface and video game power-up sound effects

•86 Wonderous Risers & Colorful Swells

•35 atmospheric and tonal synth pads

•90 Silly Drums

•Multi-mode Arpeggiation with step-sequencer.

•Convolution Reverb with 119 different cathedrals, churches, chambers, rooms, halls and special effect impulses.

•A full multi-effects rack, with EQ, filter, phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp & speaker simulation and more.

Product Specs

•463 Samples

•19 Kontakt 5.5.2 .nki preset banks

•24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed stereo PCM wav audio

•Unlocked wav samples can be directly imported into almost any wav-compatible plugin or DAW.

神奇 |2017 年 2 月 6 日 |551 MB

微光是 463 波光粼粼,闪闪发光,闪闪发光的撞击式样品-FX、 刺、 立管,和郁郁葱葱的环境垫的集合。使用精心挑选的来源,如泡沫胶持久性有机污染物、 老式玩具高亮、 编钟、 钟声、 口哨、 呼风唤雨和更多设计了每一个声音。从可爱的傻鼓,可爱的界面效果,甘美的造反者和垫,微光已涵盖了你为你的下一个游戏或动画配乐。

微光也是理想的任何风格的现代杂交生产,从极简主义者、 陷阱、 电火花加工、 IDM、 dubstep、 chillwave 和毛刺,张贴岩、 配音、 配乐、 downtempo、 嘻哈环境音乐的。这也是梦幻般的科幻音效设计和创建用户界面 SFX 的游戏和应用程序。

图书馆是编程开播 5.5.2 的完整版本及更高版本 (OSX 10.9 或更高版本 7 或更高版本的 Windows 要求)。它配备了一个自定义用户界面和动态声音塑造和混合控件︰ 攻击、 边缘、 释放、 筛选共振和削减,银行预设加载 (与可选键切换),自适应 arpeggiation 和内置卷积回响与您选择的超过 100 不同的房间、 大厅、 空格和特殊 FX冲动。所有的样品也被列为分类和清楚地命名的立体声波形文件可以导入并使用在任何 wav 格式兼容音频环境、 取样器、 编辑器、 音序器或其他你喜欢的音频软件。

你可以浏览出色地声音设计朱诺 VHS 图书馆这里我们充分收集和甚至抓住整体捆绑与晶体、 滴灌、 磁带、 罗湖、 战栗和微光一起都在单一的下载,在很大的折扣!我们有束升级可用,如果您已经拥有一个或多个其他我们朱诺 VHS 库。


所有的声音都设计为完整的凝聚力,使任何声音可以混合或排序与库中的任何其他声音。为此目的,您可以简单地通过开启琶音器、 调整音序器对话框和糖化一串钥匙实现伟大的结果 — — 结果将给你一个惊喜 !

图书馆配备灵活的控制功能,像是攻击,释放,瞬变的偏移量,动态肿胀,筛选器类型的选择、 谐振滤波器扫和鲁棒的琶音器系统,提供全方位的自定义动态 arpeggiation 模式和单步音序器模式创建选项。也是完整的 DSP 效果机架,包括卷积混响与独特的空间,如教堂、 教会、 大厅、 掩体、 车库、 隧道、 分庭、 客房和大量的超凡脱俗的 FX 冲动,充分发掘和变化无穷的奇怪和意想不到的声波操纵数十家。

•19 工具预设与几十个可选关节、 性能控制、 筛选器、 球场翘曲,颤音或圆环 mod,Arp 测序和充分 FX 机架。

•162 神奇魅力

•90 UX 界面和视频游戏通电声音效果

•86 奇幻 riser 卡 & 多彩膨胀

•35 大气和色调 synth 垫

•90 傻鼓

•Multi 模式 Arpeggiation 与步音序器。

•Convolution 混响与 119 不同大教堂,教堂、 分庭、 房间、 大厅和特殊效果的冲动。

• 一个完整的多方面影响机架与情商、 筛选器、 移相、 镶边、 延迟、 失真、 amp& 说话人模拟和更多。


•463 样品

•19 开播 5.5.2.nki 预设银行

•24 位 / 48 kHz 未压缩的立体声 PCM wav 音频

•Unlocked wav 样本可以直接导入到几乎任何 wav 兼容的插件或昂山。