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音效下载ProjectSAM Symphobia 1 v1.5 KONTAKT的图片1

ProjectSAM Symphobia 1 v1.5 KONTAKT | 10.5 Gb

The library that started it all… immersive ensemble recordings and intense cinematic orchestral effects. With Symphobia you have at your disposal a proven tool of inspiration for scoring films, games and television. Discover the all-updated 2016 Editions of the orchestral library series that forever changed the film scoring game: The Symphobia Series.

With Symphobia you have at your disposal a proven tool of inspiration for scoring films, games and television. Symphobia offers true ensemble recordings of a full symphony orchestra and an unbeatable collection of intense, cinematic orchestral effects. Symphobia is not your traditional orchestral sample library. Instead of focusing on individual multi-samples, Symphobia offers ensemble multi-samples in numerous arrangements for orchestral sections as well as a full orchestra performing together. The reason is simple: the real thing sounds so much more powerful. Symphobia is famous for its cinematic orchestral effects. Like the ensemble performances, the effects are available in different orchestrations, performed by different sections from the orchestra. You’ll find full orchestra rips & hits, string risers, brass clusters and woodwind textures.

Key features:

Live recordings of orchestral full-ensemble multi-samples

Vast library of orchestral clusters, rips and other instantly inspiring effects

Covering strings, all-new brass, woodwinds and much more

Lots of additional content including Dystopia II and ethnic flute phrases

Orchestral sections recorded as ensembles, pre-seated on the stage

12 GB library in Kontakt's compressed sample format (24 GB uncompressed)

44.1 24 bit

Genuine concert hall recordings

Real-time mixing of close & stage mics

Kontakt Player 5 license included

Native Kontrol Standard support

2016 Edition

The 2016 Edition of Symphobia 1 offers a number of exciting new features, such as Komplete Kontrol support, faster loading times and improved audio content.

ProjectSAM Symphobia 1 v1.5 开播 |10.5 Gb

开始它的图书馆所有...身临其境合奏录音和激烈的电影管弦乐效果。使用 Symphobia可以在您的处置得分电影、 游戏和电视的灵感被证明的工具。发现所有更新 2016年版永远地改变了电影配乐游戏的管弦乐图书馆系列︰ Symphobia 系列。

使用 Symphobia 可以在您的处置得分电影、 游戏和电视的灵感被证明的工具。Symphobia 提供的完整的交响乐队真正合奏录音和激烈,电影的管弦乐效果无与伦比集合。Symphobia 不是传统的管弦乐样本库。而不是专注于个人多样品,Symphobia提供合奏多样品在众多安排为管弦乐部分完整的管弦乐队一起表演。原因很简单︰真实的东西听起来很强大得多。Symphobia 是其电影的管弦乐效果而闻名。喜欢合奏表演,影响,可在不同的业务流程,由不同的部分,从乐团。你会发现完整的管弦乐队撕裂 & 命中、 字符串立管、 黄铜集群和木管乐器纹理。



庞大的管弦乐集群、 撕裂和其他即时激励效应的图书馆

覆盖字符串、 所有新的铜管、 木管乐器和更多

大量的额外的内容包括反乌托邦 II 和族裔长笛短语


12 GB 图书馆在开播的压缩的样本格式 (24 GB 未压缩)

44.1 24 位


实时混合关闭 & 阶段中等收入国家

开播球员 5 许可证包括

Kontrol 标准的本机支持

2016 版

2016 年 Symphobia 1 版提供了大量令人兴奋的新功能,如 Komplete Kontrol 支持、 更快的加载时间和改进的音频内容。