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Zapzorn Solstice Green KONTAKT | 1.76 Gb

ZapZorn SOLSTICE:Green is the next installment in a one-of-a-kind sound design tonal pad and atonal soundscape creation machine for Kontakt.

SOLSTICE:Green is the peaceful sister to SOLSTICE:Blue - sounds of nature and beautiful landscapes meet 24 new calming core sounds. SOLSTICE:Green takes 24 unique core sounds and expands them without limits by adding 24 X and 24 Y sound variables to create a totally new sound creation experience. With randomized convolution reverbs (SPACE), Chorus, Flanger and Phasers (ORBIT), delay (ECHO) and multiple distortions (DIRT) - SOLSTICE:Green takes those sounds and morphs them into expandable, non-repeatable looped sounds. With a full ADSR envelope and randomized LFO and Filters, SOLSTICE:Green takes those sounds one step further. Finally, adding the red master randomizer button (?), SOLSTICE:Green is one click away from creating a sound that only you have!

Zapzorn 冬至绿色开播 |1.76 Gb

ZapZorn 冬至︰ 绿色是下一篇文章的一种声音设计色调板和开播的无调性景观创造机器中。

夏至︰ 绿色和平姐姐到冬至︰ 蓝色 — — 声音的性质和美丽的风景满足 24 新核心音效。夏至︰ 绿色花 24 独特的核心声音和扩展他们无限制通过添加 24 X 和 24 Y声音变量来创建一个完全新的声音创作体验。与随机卷积混响 (空间)、 合唱、 镶边、 移相器 (轨道)、 延迟 (ECHO) 和多个扭曲 (土)-冬至︰ 绿色需要这些声音和他们摇身一变成可扩展、 非可重复的环状声音。与完整的 ADSR 信封和随机振荡和过滤器,冬至︰ 格林带一步进一步的那些声音。最后,添加红色主随机数发生器按钮 (?),冬至︰ 绿色是一按创建只有你有的声音 !