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Natural Light Fashion / Beauty Photography

MP4 | Video: 1114x720 | 48 kbps | 44 KHz | Duration: 9 Hours | 1.34 GB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Natural light is a popular way for fashion or beauty photography. We explore modern methods of natural light photography

There is something inherently beautiful about natural light. It can be soft and warm, or hard and unforgiving, or even have a sort of melancholy to it. These are the areas we will be looking at in this course.

Fashion and Beauty photography make use of natural light in many ways. A recent viewing of Vogue (October, 2012) reveals many natural light photography shots by up and coming and well established photographers. The techniques are not hard to understand, but still require the finesse and deliberate approach that is required when using artificial lighting.

We will look at natural light from all angles; full sun, modified sun, shade and moody, emotional light.

We will build some inexpensive modifiers for natural light, and also show how to correctly use white reflectors, silver and gold reflectors, scrims, mirrors, and more. These tools are not expensive, but the results they give can be astounding.

The natural light fashion/beauty photography course is divided into 12 lectures, each running approximately 30 minutes. There is a workbook, plans for building a scrim and large reflector, and lots of videos.

Most lectures include a shoot with the gear we are using, a Photoshop tutorial, the PSD file for viewing and a look at how the final images were selected. Looking at the images as they are shot, and then edited, is very powerful as a learning tool.

If you are interested in portraiture, fashion, beauty or glamour, this natural light photography course will open your eyes to the very cool ways you can use natural light to make your images.

The beauty photography course is suited to any level of photographer. I recommend a light meter, although we will also show you ways to use your camera meter as we go. A couple of stands would also be a good addition to your natural light arsenal.

This class also has over two hours of bonus content, with new content being added in May 2013 and June 2013.

What are the requirements?

Camera that allows the changing of aperture/shutter speed.

Two stands.

Two large pieces of white fome core (3x4 or 4x4) - optional 5-In-One Reflector

Several small sheets of white boards (fome core)

A Five-In-One Reflector with Gold, Silver and Diffuser as well as white.

A shower curtain liner (white cloth) from Target, Kohls, Walmart etc…

6 V-Clamps.

What am I going to get from this course?

Over 35 lectures and 8.5 hours of content!

At the end of this course, you should be very comfortable in all kinds of natural light situations.

Your fashion and beauty work will see significant improvement.

If you have experience in shooting, you will be able to add some additional tools to your arsenal of light.

What is the target audience?

You should be experienced in using your camera.

You understand f-stops and shutter speed as it relates to exposure

天然光时尚 / 美容摄影

MP4 |视频︰ 1114 x 720 |48 kbps |44 kHz |持续时间︰ 9 小时 |1.34 GB

类型︰ 电子学习 |语言︰ 英语



时尚和美容摄影使利用自然光在很多方面。最近查看的时尚 (2012 年 10 月) 揭示了许多自然光线摄影投篮的机会和未来和既定的摄影师。技术并不难理解,但仍然需要故意使用人工照明时是必需的方法与技巧。

我们将看看自然光线从各个角度;充满阳光、 改性的太阳、 树荫和喜怒无常,情绪的光。

我们将建立自然光线,一些廉价修饰符和还显示如何正确使用白色反光板、 银和金的反射器、 斯、 镜子,和更多。这些工具都不贵,但是他们给的结果可能会相当惊人。

美光时尚摄影课程划分为 12 的讲座,每运行约 30 分钟。有是一个工作簿,计划建设网格布和大型反射面和很多视频。

大多数专题讲座内容包括与我们正在使用的齿轮、 Photoshop 教程、 PSD 文件以便查看和看看如何选择最终图像的拍摄。看图片,因为他们都是射击,然后编辑,是作为一个学习工具非常强大。

如果你有兴趣在人像、 时装、 美容或魅力,这自然光线摄影课程会睁开眼睛到非常酷的方式,你可以使用自然光,使您的图像。


此类还具有两个多小时的奖金内容,与在 2013 年 5 月和 2013 年 6 月被添加的新内容。




两个大块的白色饥饿核心 (3 x 4 或 4 × 4)-可选 5 个反射器

几个小纸片的白板 (饥饿核心)

与黄金、 白银和扩压器,以及白色的五合一反射器。

淋浴帘衬垫 (白布) 从目标、 科尔、 沃尔玛等......

6 V 型夹。


超过 35 个讲座和 8.5 小时的内容 !






你理解的 f 值,快门速度,因为它涉及到曝光