CG数据库 >> Intellezy--Adobe Photoshop CC 的摄影师

Intellezy--Adobe Photoshop CC 的摄影师的图片1

Duration 2h 37m MP4

Title: Intellezy – Adobe Photoshop CC for Photographers


Adobe Photoshop is a premier photo editing program. In this course targeted at photographers, students will learn about the Raw format, white balance, exposure, and color and clarity. Students will learn to work with Adobe Camera Raw, updating, resetting and setting preferences. Then Students will work with the tools within Camera Raw; working with color, cropping images, retouching the image, using filters, rotating images, working with exposure settings, creating grayscale images, managing corrections and effects, and creating image adjustments. Lastly, students will discover plugins and explore workflows.

持续时间 2 h 37 m MP4

标题︰ Intellezy--Adobe Photoshop CC 的摄影师


Adobe Photoshop 是一个总理的照片编辑程序。在针对摄影师这门课程,学生将学习关于 Raw 格式、 白平衡、 曝光,和色彩和清晰度。学生将学会使用 Adobe 相机原始,更新和重置设置首选项。然后学生将使用中的工具相机原始;使用裁剪图像,修饰图像,使用筛选器,旋转图像,使用的曝光度设置、 创建灰度图像、 更正和影响,管理和创建调整图像的颜色。最后,学生将会发现插件和探索工作流。