Duration 47m Project Files Included MP4
After Effects CC 2017 Updates
“Updates” courses are structured slightly differently than a typical Pluralsight course. Whenever there is an update to the software, we’ll add a module with that set of updates covered in the clips. This Updates course will continue to grow until the next full version of After Effects is released. You can count on this course as a source to quickly get up to speed on what’s new in the software without getting bogged down in release notes. You can also use this course as a reference guide, the clips are meant to be watched in whatever order you like and not necessarily in sequence. In this course, you’ll learn all about the updates to After Effects CC 2017. Software required: After Effects CC.
持续时间 47 米项目文件包括的 MP4
后影响 CC 2017 更新
"更新"课程的结构比典型的 Pluralsight 课程略有不同。更新软件时,我们将添加一个模块,更新覆盖在剪辑中那套。此更新过程将继续增长,直到下一个完整版本的影响后被释放。你可以指望本课程为源,以快速获得关于什么是新软件中而不陷入发行说明中的速度。您还可以作为一个参考指南使用本课程,剪辑注定会看着你喜欢的任何顺序而不一定按顺序。在此过程中,你会了解所有关于到后影响 CC 2017 年更新。所需软件︰ 后影响 CC。