Duration 1h 38m Project Files Included MP4
Title: Pluralsight – After Effects Transparency and Blending
Cover everything from keying a green screen, to adjusting blend modes, to opacity, to masking, and more. In this course, After Effects Transparency and Blending, you’ll learn about all the different ways to control transparency and blending in After Effects CC. First, you’ll start off easy learning about alpha channels and opacity. Next, you’ll build from there on more complex ways to cause two images to interact. Then, you’ll learn about blend modes and which ones are the most useful for common tasks. Finally, you’ll discover tricks for getting better green screen keys and how to do a little color correction for the final bit of polish. By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped to find new ways to bring footage together and create transitions using easy and professional effects. Software required: After Effects CC.
持续时间 1 h 38 m 项目文件包括的 MP4
标题︰ Pluralsight — — 后影响透明度和混合
覆盖了从键控绿屏,调整混合模式、 不透明度为掩蔽,和更多。在此过程中后, 影响透明度和混合模式,您将了解所有不同的方式来控制透明度和混合在后影响 CC。首先,你会开始时很容易了解 alpha 通道和不透明度。接下来,你会对更复杂的方式来使两幅图像进行交互生成从那里。然后在此基础上,您将了解混合模式,哪些是最有用的常见任务。最后,你会发现小窍门来获得更好的绿屏键以及如何做为波兰最后一点一点颜色校正。由课程结束,你将能够找到新的方法来使画面在一起,创建使用方便和专业效果的过渡。所需软件︰ 后影响 CC。