Maxon Cinema 4D Webinar Realistic Rendering
If you want to discover how to create realistic-looking shaders, simulate various lighting scenarios and define the right settings for final renderings, this is the right webinar for you!
Dominik will focus on Octane then his webinar will turn its attention to Corona. Later Dominik will cover VrayforC4D followed by the Maxwell Renderer. Dominik will use real-world examples from the automobile world to demonstrate each renderer’s features.
Dominik Dammelhart, a.k.a. CurseStudio, has worked as a 3D generalist in the field of CG for more than 6 years. Since 2010 he has produced numerous free tutorials for the Cinema 4D community and has worked on several projects for companies such as Lenovo and Siemens. His work and his tutorials are featured on many renowned websites such as 3dtotal, Evermotion and Motionserved.
Maxon 电影院 4 D 网络研讨会真实感绘制
如果你想要了解如何创建逼真的着色器、 模拟各种照明场景和定义最终渲染的正确设置,这是对你来说正确的网络研讨会 !
多米尼克将集中在辛烷值,然后他网络研讨会将将其注意力转向电晕。后来多米尼克将涵盖 VrayforC4D 紧接着麦克斯韦渲染器。多米尼克将使用从世界汽车的现实世界的例子来说明每个渲染器的功能。
多米尼克 Dammelhart,又称 CurseStudio,6 年以上担任 CG 领域 3D 通才。自 2010 年以来他为制作了很多免费的教程 4 D 影院社区,先后在几个项目上联想和西门子等公司。他的作品和他的教程被刊载许多知名网站如 3dtotal,Evermotion 和 Motionserved。