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8dio Hybrid Tools Synphony KONTAKT | 9.05 Gb

8Dio Hybrid Tools Series is the leading industry standard for Epic Cinematic Scoring Tools. Hybrid Tools Synphony represent the latest- and largest iteration in the series. The library contains over 24GB (losslessly compressed to 11GB) and a variety of new scoring elements. The core concept was to create a new breed of Hybrid Tools – purely designed with analog synthesizers.

Hybrid Tools Synphony contains 10 Different Core FX Categories, including Dopplers, Downers, Exmachines 1-2, Mega Horns, Sub Strikes, Whoosh Slow and Woosh Fast, Tonal Boomers and Tonal Downers and 10 cinematic Drum Kits.

Hybrid Tools Synphony also contains a full synth-rendered symphony orchestra (strings, brass, winds, percussion) – all redesigned with analog synths. The idea is to have a synthetic orchestra that can work together with your normal orchestra. Synphony also contains a hundreds of cinematic Bass Synths, Cinematic Lead Synths, Sequenced Synths, Tonal Noises and over 50 different presets.

Hybrid Tools Synphony contains a variety of exclusive features that you won’t find anywhere else, including our new Chaos FX 3.3 Engine, which contains over 100.000 lines of code and includes our CHAOS engine with the ability to randomize, reverse, mix/blend anything you want and manipulated over 1.500 parameters with a single click.

Synphony contains a fully rendered 3D User Interface with a variety of new controls, including Tempo-Synced Gate, Reverse, Randomizer, Speed Control, Pitch Envelope, Glide and Offset – all accessible from the front-interface. You can also go deeper into our Chaos FX and control everything from Filters, Step-Based Filtering, 3 EQ, Stereo Delay, Bit Crusher, Distortion, Dual-Convolution reverb with convolution FX.

Hybrid Tools Synphony is the new breed of cinematic scoring tools. The library contains over 24GB (compressed to 11GB) of new Hybrid Content. Whether you want the newest industry defining Hybrid Effects (ex. Tonal Boomers, Downers, Mega-Horns, Sub-Strikes etc) or a full Synphony Orchestra built with analog synths, whether you want 100’s of multi-sampled synths, hard-kicking cinematic drum-kits or inspirational presets – you can have it all.

Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.5 (or later) Required


8dio 混合工具 Synphony 开播 |9.05 Gb

8Dio 混合工具系列是为史诗电影评分工具标准的主导产业。混合工具 Synphony 代表的最新和系列中的最大迭代。库包含超过 24 GB (无损压缩至 11 GB) 和各种新的得分要素。核心理念是创建一种新型的混合工具 — — 纯粹设计与模拟合成器。

混合工具 Synphony 包含 10 项不同的核心 FX 类别,包括内壁、 镇静剂、 Exmachines 1-2、 巨型喇叭、 子罢工、 嗖缓慢和哇啦快速、 色调潮和色调镇静剂和 10 电影鼓包。

混合工具 Synphony 还包含一个完整呈现 synth 交响乐团 (字符串、 黄铜、 风,打击乐) — — 都重新设计与模拟合成。这个想法是要合成的乐团是能跟你正常的乐团。Synphony 还包含数百个电影低音合成器,电影导致合成、 测序 Synth,色调噪声和超过 50 不同预设。

混合工具 Synphony 包含各种独有的功能,你找不到其他地方,包括我们新的混沌 FX 3.3 引擎,它包含超过 100.000 行代码,包括我们的混沌引擎与随机化、 扭转、混合/混合任何你想要和操纵与一个单一的点击超过 1.500 参数的能力。

Synphony 包含一个带有各种新的控件,包括 Tempo-Synced 门、 反向、 随机数发生器、 速度控制、 螺距信封、 滑翔和偏移量 — — 从前面接口都可以访问完全渲染3D 用户界面。你也可以深入我们混沌 FX 和控制一切从筛选器、 基于一步过滤、 3情商、 立体声延迟、 位破碎机、 失真,双卷积混响与卷积 FX。

混合工具 Synphony 是电影的评分工具的新品种。库包含超过 24 GB (压缩到 11 GB) 的新混合内容。是否你想要定义混合效应 (如︰ 色调潮、 镇静剂、 巨型喇叭、分罢工等) 的最新行业或一个完整的 Synphony 乐队建与模拟合成器,是否你想要 100 多采样合成器,硬踢电影鼓包或励志的预设 — — 你可以拥有这一切。

完整零售版开播 5.5 (或更高版本) 的所需