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Looptone Filmtronica WAV | 640 Mb

Inspired from the Deep Sound of Cinematic electronica Looptone Brings you this exciting collection of Royalty Free Samples for use in your productions. Looptone has enlisted the scoring and production talents of long time Audio Wizard Glen Nichols Aka Future Funk Squad, Axiomatic, Atatika amongst some of his aliases, his experience extends though making music for film, Trailer, advertising and dance productions. Glen brings a wealth of knowledge and a fresh take on the Hybrid scoring sound, in his one of a kind studio mixing Analogue and Digital seamlessly with a great combination of outboard and in the box production gadgets. His in demand skills have led him to work for some of the industries most influential companies and bands as a remixer, producer composer and mix and mastering engineer.

Filmtronica as the title suggests delves deep, Fusing driving, pulsing synth elements and mixing them with more organic sounding instrumentation, giving a beautiful widescreen audio Pallet perfect for scoring to picture, but also for manipulating into more interesting Electronica and chill tracks or even pushing the audio boundaries in more exciting dance floor tracks. The pack is made up from a great selection of fat warm synth elements, boundary pushing drums and percussion, Drones , tones, Evolving Arpeggios , tension building pulses as well as more emotional evocative Pads and pianos. In the production of this pack Glen used a mixture of techniques to give depth to the material, including passing a certain amount of the parts out from his desk to tape and back in, also using a selection of odd and interesting outboard from his collection of audio exotica never settling on just bouncing straight out of soft synths, we feel this is a crafted set of audio loops.

Looptone Filmtronica WAV |640 mb

灵感来自深电影声音的电子乐 Looptone 带来你这令人兴奋的版税免费样品在你的作品中使用集合。Looptone 已登记的得分和生产人才的很长时间音频向导格伦尼科尔斯 Aka 未来 Funk 阵容、 公理、 Atatika 在一些他的别名,他的经验延伸虽然制作电影,拖车,广告和舞蹈作品的音乐。格伦带来了丰富的知识和新的混合得分的声音,在他一个亲切的演播室,混合模拟和数字无缝结合的舷外的和在框生产小玩意。他在需求技能使他工作的一些行业最有影响力的公司与乐队就地热再生成套设备、 生产者作曲家和混合和掌握工程师。

Filmtronica 如标题所暗示的深入了深,融合驾驶、 脉冲合成元素并将它们混合与更有机的探测仪器,给美丽的宽屏音频托盘完美得分为图片,但操纵进入更多有趣的音乐和冰冷的铁轨或甚至更令人兴奋的舞池中推进的音频的边界跟踪。包是由精选的脂肪温暖 synth 元素边界推和打击乐、 无人机、 音调、 不断变化的琶音、 紧张建设脉冲以及更多的情感令人回味垫、 鼓钢琴。在此包的生产格伦使用混合技术能够深度的材料,包括从他的办公桌磁带和回时,也使用选定的奇数传递一定的零件和有趣舷外,从他收藏的音频奇风异俗从来没有安定上只弹跳直出软音源,我们觉得这是制作的组音频循环。