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音效下载Vir2 Instruments Vital Series Mallets KONTAKT的图片1

Vir2 Instruments Vital Series Mallets KONTAKT | 2.24 Gb

Mallets' powerful GUI offers all eight instruments on one patch to be edited, played, blended, and recorded together. No sub menus or separate patches. Mallets has all the controls you need at your fingertips! The highest attention to detail was given in the recording of Mallets, offering dry, stereo samples with up to 4 velocity layers and 5 round robins per instrument. Each instrument was recorded using various mallet types. This gives composers and producers complete control and customization over their own sound.

Each instrument is given its own controls with Mallet Type, Volume, Pan, Stereo Width, Octave Remapping, ADSR, and Extended Range. When engaged, Extended Range remaps the playable range of the instrument by stretching the lowest and highest mapped samples from C0 to C7. Additionally, Octave remapping gives users the ability to adjust the position of each instrument on the keyboard up and down by two octaves. Utilize the lower portion of the GUI to quickly apply your own LFO and global LowPass filter. Choose between four separate wave forms and four different LFO types.

The Rolls creator allows you to generate and customize your own mallet rolls. Triggering one note will simulate two hands striking that single note, while triggering two notes will simulate the back and forth striking with two hands on the respective notes. Further craft your sound with the seven built-in effects including Tune, Equalizer, Distortion, Delay, Reverb, Transient Master, and Compressor. The Vital Series aims to bring producers, songwriters, and composers easy to use and highly detailed instruments that are necessary for any music production. Every entry in the Vital Series focuses on delivering unique libraries with an immense value at an affordable price.


• 8 instruments including Marimba, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Tubular Bells, Glass Marimba, Song Bells, Vibraphone, and Crotales

• 6 different mallet types including Soft, Medium Soft, Medium Hard, Hard, Rods, Bow

• Dry, stereo samples with up to 4 velocity layers and 5 round robins

• 146 total presets: 24 natural, 22 natural rolls, 60 layered organic, and 40 layered processed

• All instruments in one patch for easy and creative layering

• Full Komplete Kontrol & Maschine integration

• Over 4GB of uncompressed content

Vir2 仪器重要系列木槌开播 |2.24 Gb

木槌的强大 GUI 提供了一个修补程序来编辑、 播放、 混纺、 和一起记录的所有八个文书。没有子菜单或单独的修补程序。木槌有所有的控件,您需要在您的指尖!高对细节注意在录音中的木槌,提供干、 立体声样品与速度达 4 层和 5 轮罗宾斯每台仪器。每台仪器录使用各种槌类型。这给作曲家和生产者的完全控制和自定义控制他们自己的声音。

每台仪器给出了其自身与槌类型、 卷、 盘、 立体声宽度、 八度重新映射,ADSR 和扩展范围的控件。当参与、 扩展范围通过重新映射经过仪器可播放范围伸展的最低和最高映射到 C7 C0 标本。此外,八度重新映射为用户提供了两个八度的向上和向下调整的键盘上每个仪器位置的能力。利用 GUI 来快速应用您自己的低频振荡和全球低通滤波器的下半部分。四个单独的波形形式和四种不同的低频振荡类型之间进行选择。

卷的创造者允许您生成和自定义您自己的木槌卷。触发一注会模拟两只手,当触发两个音符将模拟来回撞击用两只手在各自的笔记上敲响,单独的音符。进一步通过七个内置的效果包括曲调、 均衡器、 失真、 延迟、 混响、 瞬时主控和压缩机工艺你的声音。重要的系列旨在使生产者、 词曲作者和作曲家易于使用和高度详细文书所必需的任何音乐制作。重要的系列中每个词条的重点是提供独特的图书馆与巨大的价值,以实惠的价格。


• 8 文书包括木琴、 木琴、 铁琴、 管钟、 玻璃木琴、 宋钟,电颤琴和 Crotales

• 6 不同槌类型包括软介质柔软,中等硬,硬,棒弓

• 干、 立体声样本与速度达 4 层和 5 轮知更鸟

• 146 总预设︰ 24 自然,22 自然卷,60 层有机,和 40 分层加工

• 所有仪器容易和创造性的分层的一个修补程序

• 充分 Komplete Kontrol & Maschine 集成

• 4 GB 以上的未压缩的内容