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音效下载Sonuscore Lyrical Cello Phrases v1.1 KONTAKT的图片1

Sonuscore Lyrical Cello Phrases v1.1 KONTAKT | 2.23 Gb

If you've ever wanted to utilize the massive emotional force a cello contains, LYRICAL CELLO PHRASES is the right heavy-hitter for you. What would your compositions be like, what would it feel like if you could have a world-class cellist with you, live whenever and wherever you were making music? Experience this feeling with LYRICAL CELLO PHRASES and give yourself the gift of a great tool to take your workflow, your productivity and creativity to the very next level.

We were given a challenge by a group of composers: they challenged us to build a cello tool to take their compositional process to a whole new level: these composers not only wanted their needs taken care of, they also asked us to find a way to leverage the strengths a real instrumentalist brings to the table. We asked our composers what they look for in a new instrument. They told us they need high quality sound, they need their work-flow to be at the speed of their thoughts or faster and, best case scenario, that these instruments inspire new creative ideas. The themes were all played by our cellist of choice Mátyás Ölveti (recorded for “The Elder Scrolls Online”, …) whose improvisatorial talent brought out the strengths of the cello full throttle. With over 70 freely combinable phrases spread over 10 themes throughout all keys as well as 2 additional bonus themes this library is a tool that empowers every creative composer to get the project off of the ground with an impact.


• 70+ Freely Combinable Phrases

• 10+ Themes throughout all keys

• 2 Bonus Themes

• Legato Instrument


- new features for activating/deactivating themes and changing them with keyswitches (”Lyrical Cello Phrases.nki“).

- ”Lyrical Cello Legato.nki“ is set to monophonic.

- fixed a bug which caused clicks and plops when two phrases are played simultaneously.

Sonuscore 抒情大提琴短语 v1.1 开播 |2.23 Gb


我们由一群作曲家提出了挑战︰ 他们质疑我们来构建一个大提琴的工具来把他们作曲的过程带到一个全新水平︰ 这些作曲家不仅想要他们需要的照顾,他们也要求我们有办法利用真正的演奏家带来到表的强项。我们问我们作曲家他们寻找什么在一个新的工具。他们告诉我们他们需要高质量的声音,他们需要他们的工作流程要在他们的想法或更快的速度,最好的情况下,这些文书激发新创意。主题都是由我们选择Mátyás Ölveti (记录为"老年卷轴在线",...) 的大提琴手,才华的即兴带出大提琴全油门的长处扮演的。超过 70 自由组合式短语与传播超过 10 个主题贯穿所有键以及 2 额外的奖金主题此库是一个工具,赋予每一个创意的作曲家下车与影响地面的项目。


• 70 + 自由组合的短语

• 10 + 主题贯穿所有键

• 2 奖金主题

• Legato 仪器


-激活/停用主题和改变它们与按键 ("抒情大提琴 Phrases.nki") 的新功能。

-"抒情大提琴 Legato.nki"设置为单声道。
