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Loopmasters Dark Cinema MULTiFORMAT | 1.03 Gb

Dark Cinema from Loopmasters is an industrial exploration of cinematic sounds, featuring Heavy Guitars, distorted Synths, eerie Soundscapes and granular Beats! This collection will bring scale and impact to your productions with all content provided 100% royalty free.

Inside the pack are Loops, Hits, MIDI and Sampler Patches treated with top-notch outboard FX for a high-fidelity sonic experience. Over 270 Loops are included with evil Bass, razor-sharp Drums., ethereal FX, chunky Percussion, effected Guitars and warped Synths. 451 One Shot samples are included with 10 Drum Kits, alongside Bass, FX, Percussion and 11 Multi-Sampled instruments.

Everything included has been treated with stunning outboard effects and recorded using state-of-the art pre-amps, audio interfaces and microphones – bringing you lush Pads, phased Arpeggios and ring-modulated Bass at 24 Bit quality. All sounds originate from an archive of vintage electric guitars, amplifiers, basses and analogue synthesizers, ensuring the source signal is primed from the start! Aside from the audio, 65 Sampler Patches are included for your favourite DAW as well as 34 MIDI files – ideal for tweaking and sequencing your own Beats and Melodies.

Loopmasters 黑暗电影院繁多 |1.03 Gb

从 Loopmasters 黑暗电影院是电影声音,工业探索特色重吉他、 扭曲的合成、 令人毛骨悚然的声音和颗粒跳动 !此集合都会带上规模和影响到你的作品提供 100%免版税的所有内容。

在包里面有循环,命中,MIDI 和采样器补丁对待争创一流舷外 FX 的高保真声波经验。超过 270 循环是附带邪恶低音,锋利鼓。,空灵的 FX,矮矮胖胖打击乐、 影响的吉他与扭曲的合成器。451 一个镜头的样品所附带 10 鼓包,除了低音、 FX、 打击乐和 11 多采样的文书。

包括的一切已经令人惊叹的外置效果处理和记录使用先进的预放大器,音频接口、麦克风 — — 为您带来繁茂垫,逐步琶音和环调制低音在 24 位的质量。所有的声音来自存档的老式电吉他、 低音、 放大器、 模拟合成器,确保信号源从一开始引!除了音频,65 取样器补丁是包括你最喜欢的昂山为 34 MIDI 文件 — — 理想方面的调整和排序您自己的节奏和旋律。