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音效下载Samples From Mars 2600 FROM MARS MULTiFORMAT的图片1

Samples From Mars 2600 FROM MARS MULTiFORMAT | 2.35 Gb

The 2600 is a three oscillator monster that's blazed a trail of sonic mayhem through countless genres for the past 40+ years. And despite only 3,000 units ever produced, the impact this synth has had on music is staggering. Starting with R2D2, The Normal and Herbie Hancock (to name just a few), artists using the 2600 have continued to push the synth's capabilities into the stratosphere, cultivating genres and blowing up dance floors along the way.

At first glance, this legendary synth can seem quite intimidating, but the right patch can get you anything from a beefy bass drum to a snappy snare or church organ, to modular mayhem, or the sound of insects dying in mass. Suffice to say, with a little work, the 2600 can nail almost anything your imagination can conjure up.

With all of our synth efforts, we strive to capture a wide variety of patches, covering your bases with raw oscillators and progressing to complex, intricate modulations. Our processing follows this same approach, varying from completely dry and punchy, to warm, saturated and over the top - changing preamps and processing on a patch by patch basis to give you the cleanest clean and the dirtiest dirty. The 2600 shines because it too, provides a huge diversity in sound, and is equally at home making huge, basic patches as it is with longer, more complex modulation. And once you wrap your head around the synthesis architecture, you can dive in anywhere along this spectrum - starting with a simple, funky saw boogie bass (a la Todd Terje), graduating to dual oscillator house stabs, experimental noise, piercing percussion, and full on drums. The following is made exclusively from 2600 sounds.

从火星 2600年从火星繁多样品 |2.35 Gb

2600年是开辟的声波混乱通过无数的流派在过去的三个振荡器怪物 40 岁以上。尽管只有 3000 个单位有史以来,这 synth 对音乐的影响是惊人的。R2D2 入手,正常和赫比 · 汉考克 (以命名几个),艺术家使用 2600年继续推入平流层,合成器的能力培养流派,并炸毁了沿途的跳舞地板。


与我们所有的 synth 努力,我们努力捕捉各种各样的修补程序,覆盖你的基地,与原始的振荡器和进步到复杂,复杂的调制。我们处理跟随同样的方法,从完全干燥而且十分有力,变到温暖,饱和和顶-改变前置放大器和处理上的修补程序的修补程序基础上给予你最干净的清洗和肮脏脏。在 2600年的照耀下因为它太,提供声音,巨大的差异,在家制作巨大,同样是基本补丁就跟更长、 更复杂的调制。一旦你把你的头围合成体系结构,你可以潜水任意位置沿此谱-开始用一个简单时髦看到布吉低音(类似托德泰耶),毕业到双振荡器房子刺中,实验噪音,穿孔打击乐,和全在鼓上。以下是由专门的 2600年声音。