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Loopmasters UK Garage and 2 Step MULTiFORMAT | 625 Mb

Loopmasters present UK Garage and 2 Step - a smooth, urban assault on the senses from none other than UK Garage aficionado Scott Diaz! With punchy Basslines, chunky Drums and a wealth of Instrumental Music Loops, this 100% royalty free collection is certain to get the dancefloor jumping.

Scott Diaz brings you 872Mb of content, with blend of classic UKG influences and modern club-ready grooves – with Loops, One Hits, MIDI Files, Sampler Patches and more! Over 300 Loops feature authentic Guitars, Synths, Strings Organs and Stabs for sharp melodic vibes. A wealth of 134 Drum Loops will raise the pace – comprising of beefy Full Drums, an array of Hats, Claps Kicks and many other Rhythmic components. Tops, Percussion and Vocals complete the Loop set – all tempo-labelled to snap into your projects.

Over 250 One Hit samples include Bass, Drums, FX, Musical and Vocal hits to sequence with the dancefloor in mind. A Sub Drop Multi-Sample is included to play earth-shattering Bass live on your keyboard, to accompany the 47 Software Sampler instruments. 62 MIDI files are also included to transpose, edit and sequence with immediate melodic impact! At tempos from 130-135BPM, UK Garage and 2 Step is ideally suited for the entitled genres – as well as House, Speed Garage, Breaks and more!

In detail expect to find 872mb of content with 573 individual 24 Bit wav files. 301 Loops are included with 39 Bass Loops, 41 Full Drums, 41 Top Loops, 37 Hat Loops, 35 Kick Combi Loops, 14 Drum Part Loops, 26 Perc Loops, 13 FX Loops, 45 Instrument Loops [13 Keys, 23 Synths, 6 Strings and 3 Guitar Loops] and 11 Vox Loops. 269 One Hits are included with 15 Bass Hits, 181 Drum hits [37 Claps, 56 Hats, 36 Kicks and 52 Percs], 14 FX hits, 20 Music Hits, 1 Sub Multi Samples [24 Samples] and 15 Vocal Hits. 62 MIDI files are included with 29 Bass Loops and 33 Instrument Loops, as well as 303 Rex2 Loops and 46 Sampler Patches for NNXT, Halion, SFZ, Kontakt and Exs24. UK Garage and 2 Step is a storming collection of street sounds with a distinctive UK flavour. Log in to your Loopmasters account to download a FREE taster pack, and check out the demos to hear what’s included.


• 24Bit 44.1KHZ

• 45 Music Loops

• 41 Full Drum Loops

• 41 Top Loops

• 39 Bass Loops

• 37 Hat Loops

• 35 Kick Combi Loops

• 26 Perc Loops

• 14 Drum Part Loops

• 13 Fx Loops

• 11 Vocal Loops

• 181 Drum hits

• 20 Music Hits

• 15 Bass Hits

• 15 Vocal Hits

• 14 Fx

• 1 Sub Multi

• 47 Soft Sampler Patches

• 5 Kong

• 62 Midi Files

Loopmasters 英国车库和 2 步繁多 |625 mb

Loopmasters 目前英国车库和 2 步-对感官的英国车库迷斯科特 · 迪亚兹光滑、 城市攻击 !简洁有力的低音贝斯柔和,矮矮胖胖鼓和丰富的器乐音乐循环,这 100%的版税免费集合是一定去舞池跳。

斯科特 · 迪亚兹为您带来了 872 Mb 的内容,计有影响的经典及现代俱乐部准备槽— — 循环、 一个点击,MIDI 文件、 取样器补丁与混合 !超过 300 循环特征真实吉他、 合成器、 字符串器官和刺伤锋利的旋律共鸣。丰富的 134 鼓循环将提高其步伐 — — 组成的结实的充分鼓,帽子,拍踢和许多其他有节奏的组件的数组。上衣、打击乐和人声完成环集 — — 节奏所有标签,捕捉到您的项目。

超过 250 一打样品把头脑中包括低音、 鼓、 FX、 乐器和声乐命中与序列与舞池。子滴多样品是包括玩惊天动地低音活在你的键盘上陪 47 软件采样仪器。62 MIDI 文件也包括转置,编辑和序列与直接的旋律影响 !在从 130 135BPM 的节奏,英国车库和 2 步非常适合题为的流派 — — 以及房子,速度车库、 休息时间和更多 !

详细期望的 573 单个 24 位 wav 文件找到 872 mb 的内容。301 循环是附带 39 低音循环 41 充分、 41 顶部循环、 37 帽子循环、 35 踢 Combi 循环、 14 鼓部分循环、26 Perc 循环、 13 FX 循环、 45 工具循环 [13 键、 23 高亮、 6 字符串和 3 吉他循环]、 鼓 11 Vox 循环。269 一个点击是附带 15 低音命中,181 鼓打 [37 掌声、 56帽子、 36 踢和 52 Perc],14 的 FX 点击 20 音乐命中,1 子多样本 [24 个样本] 和 15 声乐命中。62 MIDI 文件通常包含 29 低音循环和 33 工具循环,以及 303 Rex2 循环和 46 NNXT、 Halion、 SFZ,开播 Exs24 采样器修补程序。英国车库和 2 步是风味独特的英国街头声音风暴集合。登录到您的 Loopmasters 帐户下载免费品酒师包,并检查了演示听到包含的内容。


• 24 位 44.1 k h Z

• 45 音乐循环

• 41 循环充分鼓

• 41 高循环

• 39 低音循环

• 37 帽子循环

• 35 踢 Combi 循环

• 26 Perc 循环

• 14 部分循环鼓

• 13 Fx 循环

• 11 声乐循环

• 181 鼓打

• 20 金曲

• 15 低音命中

• 15 声乐命中

• 14 Fx

• 1 分多

• 47 软采样器补丁

• 5 香港

• 62 Midi 文件