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Output Sounds Analog Strings KONTAKT | 18.37 Gb

Output Analog Strings is a new Kontakt-powered virtual instrument that blends real orchestral strings, vintage synths and sound design elements with a custom built string manipulation engine to give modern music makers the tools to create entirely fresh strings sounds.

To creat the raw sonic ingredients of Analog Strings, Output captured the best of the best. A full orchestra, the rarest vintage synths, and unconventional elements for sound design. Blended together, they create the perfect starting point. We deeply sampled a 60-piece string orchestra, a 22-piece orchestra and a handful of soloist at the beautiful BMC Hall in Budapest. We also recorded unique sounds like scratching a violin with the wrong side of the bow. We took a handful of vintage synths known for their string sounds, sampled and processed custom patches, and made them ready for a modern production context.

Sounds range from plucks and stabs to thick and noisy pads. Creative sources include plucked piano, sampled feedback, tape noise, screeching guitar resonance, and a whole lot more. The Analog Strings software engine is brand new, built specifically to manipulate strings. Advanced modulation routing, dual tape loopers, dual arpeggiators, flux and macro control all give you control to make each sound your own. Back that with a 39 GB sound library (20 GB compressed) and 500 presets and you have enough content to keep you busy for years.

输出声音模拟字符串开播 |18.37 Gb

模拟输出字符串是开播供电的新虚拟仪器,用自定义生成的字符串操作引擎,要给现代音乐业者的工具来创建完全新鲜的字符串声音融合真正的弦乐、 老式合成器和音效设计元素。

创造模拟字符串的声波原材料输出捕获最好。完整的管弦乐队、 稀有的老式合成器,以及非常规因素的音效设计。他们混合在一起,创建完美的起点。我们深深地采样 60 片字符串、 22 片乐团及少量的独奏家美丽的 BMC 大厅在布达佩斯。我们还录制了独特的声音,像抓小提琴弓错误的一边。我们采取少量的老式 synth 出名的是其字符串声音,采样和处理自定义的修补程序,并且向他们准备一个现代化的生产环境。

声音范围从敷女,采桑,一剑刺向厚和嘈杂垫。创意来源包括拨弦钢琴、 取样反馈、 磁带噪声、 刺耳的吉他共振,还有很多更多。模拟字符串软件引擎是全新的专为建操作字符串。先进的调制路由、 双磁带球型,全部都给你的双 arpeggiators、通量、 宏观控制控制每一声你自己。39 GB 声库 (压缩 20 GB) 与 500 预设拿回去和你有足够的内容,让你忙年。