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音效下载Hideaway Studio Chromatix v1.2 KONTAKT的图片1

Hideaway Studio Chromatix v1.2 KONTAKT | 1.02 Gb

Chromatix is a celebration of yet another successful resurrection of an old classic saved from the grave…

This time it was a gorgeous 1983 Rhodes Chroma!

After a very deep clean inside and out followed by a visual inspection it was quickly realised the original rather large and somewhat grizzly linear PSU had burnt out and was showing signs of several past repairs. News got round that a new cooler running switched mode PSU retrofit had been made available and was duly installed. Having returned power to the beast it quickly transpired that at least two voice cards had serious issues and were failing the dreaded auto-tune. This rapidly became a can of worms when it became apparent that almost all of the considerable number of analog multiplexors within the beast were practically dying in front of my eyes due to age and after the shock of being pressed back into action for the first time in several years. Following removal and replacement of some 40 or so unsocketed ICs much of the instrument returned to life leaving a final stubborn voice card really determined not to play ball. On discovery of a number of leaky transistor arrays and tired charge pump oscillators the final voice card eventually succumb to my continued harassment only to have a third voice card fail during soak testing!

After two weeks of intense toil this 16 VCO beast returneth to life… and what a beast!

Having sifted through and loaded up over 1000 patches during soak testing over 5.5 Hours of raw audio was captured directly from the instrument.

ARP’s Last Gasp…

ARP Instruments, the hugely influential name behind a string of famous instruments such as the ARP2500, ARP2600, Odyssey, Avatar, Omni, Quadra and Axxe, was in its prime during the 70s but by the early 80s the tables had turned for the worse and the company was losing money hand over fist thanks to a series of unfortunate business decisions, excessive cost of sales figures and overheads.

Work had started on the Chroma in the autumn of 1979. After two years of intense development interspersed by the project being temporarily shelved on a number of occasions things were looking decidedly shaky at ARP on the financial front. This was no fault of the R&D team behind this technically challenging design but due to increasing resistance from management who had their own battles to fight.

Philip Dodds was left to head a company dying before his eyes and several months of development were lost to company politics. The situation became dire and he was eventually left with little option but to close down the R&D department. Despite the ongoing stress of the situation he succeeded in selling on the IP rights to the Chroma design to CBS Musical Instruments and in the process was hired to oversee its production. If it wasn’t for this last gasp for survival the Chroma would surely never have existed.

The Chroma was an advanced digitally managed 16 VCO analog synthesizer released after the initial success of the Sequential Prophet-5. Both instruments offered patch memory with the Chroma sporting a bank of 50 user programmable patches. It was one of the first analog synths to offer multi-timbral operation, voice layering and keyboard splitting with velocity sensitivity. The voice architecture was unusually flexible whereby the firmware could route signals through two low pass filters, in parallel or series, or switch the VCA before or after the filters. Through a bespoke digital interface (Chroma pre-dated MIDI) it was even possible to edit voices in a program on the Apple II computer.

CBS released the Chroma in 1981 with a list price of $5295 and proved to be pretty successful with estimates of around 1400 units eventually sold.

56 Unique Instruments Presented in The Layering Engine…

Chromatix features a deceptively powerful layering engine which allows the user to create new sounds and textures with ease by selecting up to four out of a bank of 56 partial voices to be layered. Each layer has its own fine and course tuning, ADSR envelope, panning, velocity sensitivity, LFO and tone controls. This permits anything from huge pads to complex evolving sounds. Many of the demo instrument patches included are good pointers as to how some of these effects are achieved.

Above of each of the four voice panels there is an orange LCD display showing the selected voice. By clicking on each of the displays a pull down menu appears allowing one of 56 voice partials to be selected. With a potentially vast number of layered permutations at hand two different banks of 28 partials are available the first set assigned to channels 1 & 3 and the second bank of 28 partials assigned to channels 2 & 4.

Chromatix GUI_Partial_PulldownNaturally the example instruments packed with the library can be used as is but where the fun starts is having a go dialing in your own sounds using the intuitive layering engine. All of your creations can be saved as .nki instrume

世外桃源工作室 Chromatix v1.2 开播 |1.02 Gb

Chromatix 是经典的一个庆祝活动的另一个成功复活的从坟墓中救出老...

这一次是华丽的 1983年罗兹色度 !

非常深层清洁里里外外跟着它很快意识到视觉检测后原相当大且有点灰熊线性 PSU已经烧坏了,几个过去修理的迹象。消息传开,新的冷却器运行开关模式电源改造已提供和妥为安装。有回到野兽的力量迅速得知至少两个声音卡有严重的问题,和没有可怕的自动调整。当它变得明显,几乎所有的模拟多路复用器内野兽相当多,几乎死于在我的眼前,由于年龄和休克的被压回行动第一次在几年后,这迅速成为了一罐蠕虫。后拆卸和更换的很多仪器回到生命真的留下最后的固执语音卡一些 40 或所以 unsocketed ICs 决心不玩球。发现大量漏晶体管阵列和累的电荷泵振荡器最后语音卡最终屈服于我继续骚扰仅有三分之一语音卡失败浸泡测试过程中 !

经过两周的激烈辛劳这 16 种压控振荡器野兽必剪除生命...和什么野兽 !

有筛选通过和加载了 1000 多个修补程序在浸泡测试超过 5.5 小时的原始音频被俘直接从仪器。

ARP 的最后一口气...

ARP 文书,威名名称背后的著名的文书,如 ARP2500、 ARP2600、 奥德赛 》、 阿凡达、 全方位、 Quadra 和抱,字符串是在其总理在上世纪 70 年代期间,但由 80 年代初表格变成坏和公司亏了钱交出拳头一系列不幸的商业决策,成本过高的销售数字和间接费用。

工作上色度始于 1979 年的秋天。经过两年的激烈发展穿插进行项目被暂时搁置了在多个场合上的一切都显得动摇在 ARP 在金融方面。这是没有错的研发团队,这在技术上具有挑战性的设计背后,但由于增加管理人员,他们有他们自己的战役战斗的抵制。

菲利普 · 多兹留给头死在他的眼前公司几个月的发展,公司政治迷路了。情况变得非常严峻,他最终落几乎别无选择,只能关闭研发部门。尽管他的成功销售到色度设计和 CBS 乐器 IP 权利和在过程中的情况正在进行的压力被雇来监督其生产。如果不是因为这个奄奄一息的生存色度肯定不会存在。

色度是先进数字化管理 16 压控振荡器模拟合成器,释放后初步成功的序贯先知-5。这两项文书提供修补程序内存与色度体育银行 50 用户可编程的修补程序。它是第一次模拟合成器提供多音色操作、 语音分层和键盘分裂速度灵敏度之一。语音基础架构是异常灵活的藉以固件可以通过两个低通滤波器,并联或串联,路由信号或切换 VCA 之前或之后的过滤器。通过定制的数字接口 (色度超前 MIDI) 正是甚至可以编辑声音在苹果计算机公司 II 计算机上的程序。

CBS 的列表价格为 $5295 1981 年发行的色度和被证明是相当成功的与估计大约 1400年单位最终被卖。

56 的独特文书提出了分层引擎......

Chromatix 的特点还是很强力的分层引擎,允许用户通过选择达四个银行 56 部分声音进行分层来轻松地创建新的声音和纹理。每个层都有其自己罚款和课程调整、 ADSR 信封、 平移、 速敏性、 低频振荡和音调控制。这允许任何东西从巨大垫到复杂的演变声音。许多包括演示仪器修补程序是一些这些影响是如何达到的良好指针。

上面的每个四种声音面板还有橙色液晶显示器能显示选定的声音。通过点击每个显示的下拉菜单中的将出现允许 56 的声音偏微分来选择之一。与大量潜在的巨大的层状排列手头两个不同银行的 28 分音是可用的第一组分配给渠道 1 & 3 和 28 分音的第二银行分配给渠道 2 & 4。

Chromatix GUI_Partial_PulldownNaturally 示例文书挤满了图书馆可以原样使用但好戏开始了,去拨号自己使用直观的分层引擎的声音。你所有的作品可以保存为.nki 仪表