CG数据库 >> 音效下载ModeAudio Glide Chill Electronic Loops WAV MiDi

音效下载ModeAudio Glide Chill Electronic Loops WAV MiDi的图片1

ModeAudio Glide Chill Electronic Loops WAV MiDi | 482 Mb

Settle back in your luxury cabin seat, cast your eyes towards the glow of the setting sun and prepare to fly - Glide - Chill Electronic Loops contains our biggest ever loop library and its rich, 725MB collection of audio will propel your music way up high into the hazy dusk sky!

This expansive set of music production tools will have your music drifting, soaring and swooping through the clouds with its 223 versatile, tempo-synched music loops. With tempos ranging from 80 up to 150 Bpm, there's a wealth of blissful, tripped-out sonic inspiration to built up your next Chillwave, Glo Fi and Downtempo tracks from. Spanning huge, rock-solid drum loops blending sampled drum machines with live acoustic percussion and a sonorous selection of analog synth loops taking in spiralling synth leads, dusty synth chords and tranquil pads, the heart and soul of this sample library is its glistening choice of electric guitar and bass guitar loops.

From insistent muted riffs and sweet, meditative chords to billowing leads, delay-drenched arpeggios, punchy basslines and more, each of the included guitar and bass samples has been performed, recorded and processed with the utmost care and attention to detail. Alongside all the loop euphoria are 74 tightly edited, thunderously chunky drum samples, taking in bold, beefy kick drums, crisp acoustic snares, rasping hi hats, powerful toms and reverberant cymbals. Completeing the collection are 82 fully-editable, key and tempo-labelled MIDI loops for those wishing to expand upon the included material with their own sounds and synths, plus 112 guitar and synth tail samples necessary for bringing your selected loop to a smooth, natural decay. It's time to take your music productions on an epic voyage through the sun-soaked air - download Glide - Chill Electronic Loops to buy your ticket today!

Product Specifications:

• Format: WAVs & MIDIs

• 037 x Electric Bass Guitar Loops

• 056 x Electric Guitar Loops

• 073 x Drum Loops (Main Drums, Hi-Hats, Percussion)

• 013 x Kick Drum Samples

• 013 x Snare Drum Samples

• 028 x Hi-Hat Samples (Open & Closed)

• 020 x Percussion & Cymbal Samples (Toms, Rims, Rides, Crashes)

• 057 x Synth Loops (Leads, Keys, Pads, SFX)

• 0112 x Guitar & Synth (Tail Samples)

• 082 x (MIDIs) Loops

• 409 x Individual WAVs Files

• 082 x Individual MIDIs Files

• 491 x Files In Total

• Key And Tempo-Labelled

• 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality

• Compatible With All DAWs

• PC & Mac Compatible

• 100% Royalty-Free

ModeAudio 滑动寒意电子回路 WAV MiDi |482 mb

解决回在你豪华客舱座椅,铸你对设置的发光的眼睛太阳,准备翱翔-滑翔-冷静的电子回路包含我们有史以来最大的循环图书馆和其丰富,725 MB 集合的音频将推向你音乐一路高朦胧的黄昏天空 !

音乐制作工具这个膨胀集将有你的音乐漂流、 翱翔和俯冲穿过云层的 223 多才多艺,节奏同步音乐回路。从 80 到 150 Bpm 的节奏,还有丰富的幸福的绊倒了声波的灵感,建立从你下一个 Chillwave,Glo Fi 和 Downtempo 轨道。跨越巨大,坚如磐石的鼓循环混合采样的鼓机用活声敲击和模拟合成器循环以螺旋式上升 synth 线索、 尘土飞扬的 synth 和弦和宁静垫铿锵选择的心和灵魂此样本库是其闪闪发光选择电吉他和低音吉他循环。

从坚持柔和即兴重复段和甜,冥想和弦到滚滚潜在顾客、 延迟浑身湿透的琶音,强力低音贝斯柔和和更多,每个包括的吉他和低音样品有被执行、 记录和处理的悉心照顾和对细节的关注。除了所有回路的欣快感是 74 紧紧地编辑,对面张牙舞爪矮矮胖胖鼓样品,以大胆、 健壮的踢鼓、 脆声陷阱,锉喜帽子、 强大汤姆斯和混响钹。能集合是为那些希望扩大自己的声音和合成器,包括材料 82 完全可编辑、 关键和节奏称为 MIDI 循环加上 112 吉他和 synth 尾样本您所选的循环使平滑、 自然衰变的必要条件。它是时间,你的音乐作品进行史诗般的旅程,穿过太阳浸泡空气下载滑翔-冷静的电子回路,今天买你的票 !


• 格式︰ 水波 & MIDIs

• 037 x 低音电吉他循环

• 056 x 电吉他循环

• 073 x 循环鼓 (主鼓,嗨-帽子,打击乐)

• 013 x 踢鼓样品

• 013 x 小军鼓样品

• 028 x 嗨-帽子样品 (开放与封闭)

• 020 x 打击乐 & 钹样品 (汤姆斯、 轮辋、 游乐设施、 崩溃)

• 057 x Synth 循环 (线索,钥匙,垫,SFX)

• 0112 x 吉他 & Synth (尾巴样品)

• 082 x (MIDIs) 循环

• 409 x 个人底壳文件

• 082 x 个人 MIDIs 文件

• 491 x 文件总数

• 关键和节奏贴上的标签

• 44.1 k h z 24 位高品质

• 兼容所有 Daw

• PC 与 Mac 兼容

• 100%免版税