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Auddict Celestial Voices Calypso KONTAKT | 2.31 Gb

Breathtaking Solo Female Vocals which Provoke Powerful Emotion… Prepare yourself to be blown away by the second vocalist from the "Celestial Voices"… Calypso is a solo female soprano vocalist, with a soaring sound that provokes powerful emotions.

It comes with five mic positions, so you can blend your own personal sound, flexible enough to create a broad projecting operatic sound, as well as a clean, dry pop sound, which opens the possibility to add your own reverb if you so wish.

There are five fantastic true legato modes, allowing you to play realistic phrases with the sounds; ah, eh, ee/ih, oh and mm, which then multiplies when you factor in the further option of using consonants within your phrases (sah, lah, rah, reh, leh, meh, fee, ree, tee, soh, roh, doh). These consonants are fully integrated into the legato mode, so you can switch as you play.

Through the mic position mixer, you can dial in a distant, projecting and powerful operatic sound, or you can zone in with the close mics, and craft a closer, drier tone that cuts through more like a voice on a rock/pop track or certain scores to picture/trailer tracks. Use of the close mics also gives you the advantage of being able to add in your own reverb or room sound, as opposed to using the true recorded one.

Calypso comes with five true legato sounds, the vowels (considering mm as a vowel in this context), plus an array of twelve consonants to add to the beginning of your phrases.

There is also a true legato function (the green F keyswitch). Hold this down whilst playing, and whatever you play will be legato, plus you won't have to worry about missing an interval here and there because you didn't hold down the notes whilst playing, saving a lot of editing time! Ensure to release the legato aid key BEFORE playing the last note of the phrase, otherwise your notes will stick!

The consonants included, shine most when used as little additions to the beginnings of phrases. (See the demos for examples). They are not designed to be held down for too long and looped, otherwise you will lose the realism. If you choose to start a phrase with a long note (say three and a half seconds or more), then choose one of the five vowels. Stylistically and realistically this is by far the better option.

Consonants are added at the beginning of every legato phrase. So if you play a phrase "D, F, A" all legato, with "sah" selected, your phrase will sound like thig: "saaaaaaah", not "sah sah sah". The consonants do not insert themselves between legato intervals to ensure the sound is as natural as real as possible. Whilst specializing very strongly in emotional, soaring operatic vocal lines; Calypso is also extremely capable with little runs and turns, as you can hear in the Rusalka demo, making it an extremely versatile instrument.

Requirements & Specs

This instrument requires the FULL VERSION of Kontakt 4, or above (so it will also run in Kontakt 5 perfectly)


Auddict 天行健卡利普索开播 |2.31 Gb


它带有五个麦克风的位置,所以你可以融入你自己个人的声音,足够灵活,可以创建广泛的投影歌剧声音,以及清洁、 干燥的流行音乐声音,打开的可能性,若要添加您自己的混响,如果你愿意的话。

有五个神奇真实 legato 模式,让您玩现实短语与声音;啊,哎,ee/ih,哦,嗯,然后乘以当你因素进一步选择使用辅音内你的短语 (sah,去啦,rah,reh,leh,咩,费用、 稀土元素、 三通、 soh,卢武铉 doh)。这些辅音充分融入的 legato 的模式,因此您可以切换当你玩。

通过麦克风位置混频器,您可以拨打在遥远、 投影和强大的戏曲声中,或你可以用接近中等收入国家,区域和工艺更密切、 更干燥的口气摇滚/流行跑道或某些分数来图片/拖车轨道穿过更像是一个声音。使用接近中等收入国家也给你的优势在于能够在你自己的混响中添加或房间的声音,而不是使用真实记录之一。

卡吕普索带有五个真正 legato 声音,元音 (考虑到毫米作为一个元音在此上下文中),再加上十二个辅音,添加到您的短语开头的数组。

也是真正的 legato 功能 (绿色 F 按键开关)。玩耍时,按住这和你不管玩会连奏,再加上你不必担心错过间隔在这里和那里,因为你没有按住注意到国家队,节省了大量的编辑时间 !确保要释放 legato 援助键之前玩最后要注意的这句话,否则为您的笔记将坚持 !

在内的辅音闪耀大部分使用短语起点尽可能少增加时。(请参见示例演示)。它们不被设计来按住太长和环形,否则你将失去的现实主义。如果你选择一个短语开头长备注 (说三个半秒钟或更长),然后选择五个元音之一。从风格上和现实这是迄今为止最好的解决办法。

每个 legato 的短语开头添加辅音。所以,如果你玩一个短语"D,F,A"所有嘉道之际,与"蛛网"选择,您的短语,听上去会事:"saaaaaaah",不"sah sah sah"。辅音不要插入自己之间 legato 的时间间隔,以确保尽可能真实的声音是一样自然。虽然专业非常强烈情感的高耸的歌剧声乐系;卡吕普索也是与小运行和曲折,很能干,你可以听到在鲁莎卡演示中,使其极其灵活的工具。


这一文书需要完整版开播 4 或以上 (所以它也将完美地运行在开播 5)