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CONNECTD Audio Deep Transmission MULTiFORMAT | 466 Mb

Buckle up and join us for the ultimate deep house voyage, as we journey through futuristic textures, ambient adventures and space-age soundscapes with over 500 all-new sounds and samples. Taking inspiration from a wide range of deep house flavours as well as channeling ambient, dub and movie-score aesthetics, With more than 750MB of loops, hits, kits and midi, Deep Transmission is a detailed excursion into deeper grooves and cinematic moods.

What’s Inside?

Drum Loops > African rhythms, tribal excursions and modern beats: 28 authentic drum grooves broken down into constituent elements for ultra-flexible beatmaking. 141 loops in total. Mix and match for endless possibilities.

Inspiration Kits > Ready to serve as the backbone to your next deep house production or be used as-is, these ready-mixed kits represent a valuable go-to resource for song-starting inspiration. 80 loops in total across 10 kits. MIDI provided where available.

Music Loops > Cinematic-style adventures, emotive soundbeds and classic deep house flavours sit alongside nostalgic pads, warped pianos and lush melodics. 41 loops in total. MIDI provided where available.

Bass Loops > Analog riffs, Moog motifs and square-wave subs make up this folder of selected low-end cuts. 21 loops in total. MIDI provided where available.

Perc & Top Loops > Organic percussion, rendered rhythms and twisted tops. Everything you need to complete the groove. 28 loops in total.

FX > Crashes, crackles, swishes, swooshes and more. Bring your tracks together with tools primed for the breakdown.

Drum Hits & Oneshots > A curated collection of authentic drum hits, chord stabs and bass oneshots. 142 in total. As a starting point we’ve provided 3 custom drum kits for Ableton, Maschine 2 and more, as well as sampler patches for all modern samplers.

占线深传输音频繁多 |466 mb

扣上和我们一起最终深宅航行中,随着我们的旅程通过未来派的纹理、 环境冒险和太空时代音景与超过 500 的所有新的声音和样品。以灵感来自广泛的深宅的味道以及窜环境,配音和变形金刚电影配乐美学,与超过 750 MB 的循环、 命中、 工具包和 midi,深传输是详细的漂移到更深的凹槽和电影的心情。


鼓式循环 > 非洲节奏、 部落远足和现代节拍︰ 28 正宗鼓槽分解成构成要素为超灵活 beatmaking。在总共 141 循环。混合和匹配无限的可能性。

灵感工具包 > 准备作为对你未来的深宅生产骨干或用作-是,这些预拌工具包是宝贵的资源首歌开始的灵感。在总隔 10 包 80 循环。在可用的情况下提供的 MIDI。

音乐循环 > 电影风格的冒险,情绪化的 soundbeds 和经典深宅味道坐一起怀旧垫,扭曲了钢琴和郁郁葱葱的 melodics。总数的 41 循环。在可用的情况下提供的MIDI。

低音循环 > 讲述了模拟、 穆格图案和方波潜艇构成了此文件夹中所选的低端削减。总数的 21 循环。在可用的情况下提供的 MIDI。

Perc & 顶部循环 > 有机的打击乐,呈现的节奏和扭曲的上衣。一切您需要完成的槽。总数的 28 循环。

FX > 崩溃,裂纹、 银铃,东北风和更多。带给你和工具准备好崩溃的踪迹。

鼓打 & Oneshots > 的正宗鼓打、 弦刺伤和低音 oneshots 策划的集合。在总共 142。作为一个起点我们提供 3 自定义鼓包的 Ableton、 Maschine 2 和更多,以及采样器补丁所有现代取样器。