CG数据库 >> 音效下载Epic Stock Media Cybernetic Weapons WAV

音效下载Epic Stock Media Cybernetic Weapons WAV的图片1

Epic Stock Media Cybernetic Weapons WAV | 1.12 Gb

1211 files included - Custom designed and source weapon sounds, this audio asset armory is a storehouse of ready to use Cybernetic fire power. Cybernetic Weapons brings forth a new era of hyper-sonic weaponry. Perfect for Games, Video, Film, TV, it’s all in 96K/24-Bit format so you can probably end the arms race right here and now.

Cybernetic Weapons has everything you need to add mass destruction and military mayhem to your next production. Cybernetic Weapons brings forth a new era of hyper-sonic weaponry. With over 1.200+ custom designed and source sounds, this library comes packed with Cybernetic fire power. Perfect for Games, Video, Film, TV, it’s all in 96K/24-Bit format so you can probably end the arms race right here and now.

The library features sound effects like Plasma shooters, Weapon Mech Textures, Designed Game Single Shots, repeaters and loops, Futuristic bursts and even shell drops. + Includes embedded Soundminer meta data. For that extra touch of reality, Cybernetic Weapons includes an exceptional cache of foley firearm discharges from our personal warehouse of ordinance and sidearms including source recordings of: WW2 Thompson, AR-10, AR 15, Shotgun Pump, Vietnam M1A1, Suppressed 556 and our favorite of close combat, the .22 caliber pistol with silencer.

Product Specifications:

• Format: WAVs

• 0062 x Bullet Foley

• 0025 x Cybernetic Bursts

• 0018 x Cybernetic Weapon Loops

• 0256 x Cybernetic Weapon Shots

• 0019 x Designed Misc

• 0066 x Designed Weapons Singles

• 0522 x Futurisitc Gun Textures

• 0135 x Organic Weapon Source

• 0049 x Weapon Mech Textures

• 0059 x Weapon Shots Textures

• 1211 x Individual WAVs Files

• Length (Lapsed Time): 59M

• 96.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality

• Compatible With All DAWs

• PC & Mac Compatible

史诗般的股票媒体控制论武器 WAV |1.12 Gb

1211 文件包括-定制设计和源武器声音,音频资产军械库是一个仓库的准备使用控制论的火力。控制论武器带来超声波武器的新的时代。适合游戏、 视频、 电影、 电视,它都在 96 K/24 位格式这样你就可以大概最后军备竞赛就在这里和现在。

控制论的武器有一切你需要向你下一个生产添加大规模毁灭性和军事混乱。控制论武器带来超声波武器的新的时代。与超过 1.200 + 定制设计和源的声音,此库来挤满了控制论的火力。适合游戏、 视频、 电影、 电视,它都在 96 K/24 位格式这样你就可以大概最后军备竞赛就在这里和现在。

图书馆功能声音效果,例如等离子射击、 武器机甲纹理、 设计游戏单镜头、 中继器和循环,未来爆发及连壳滴眼液。+ 包括嵌入式的 Soundminer 元数据。对于现实那额外的触摸,控制论的武器包括 foley 火器放电从我们个人的仓库的条例和武器包括源录音的特殊缓存︰ WW2 汤普森,AR-10、 AR 15、 猎枪泵、 越南 M1A1、 压制556 和我们最喜欢的近距离作战,与消声器.22 口径手枪。


• 格式︰ 水波

• 0062 x 子弹 Foley

• 0025 x 控制论阵阵

• 0018 x 控制论武器循环

• 0256 x 控制论武器射击

• 0019 x 设计杂项

• 0066 x 设计武器单打

• 0522 x Futurisitc 枪纹理

• 0135 x 有机武器来源

• 0049 x 武器机甲纹理

• 0059 x 武器射击纹理

• 1211 x 个人底壳文件

• 长度 (失效时间)︰ 59 米

• 96.1 千赫 24 位高品质

• 兼容所有 Daw

• PC 与 Mac 兼容