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音效下载Glitchmachines Microsphere v1.0 ALP-SYNTHiC4TE的图片1

SYNTHiC4TE | April 06 2017 | 1.92 GB

Whether you are building hi-tech weapon effects for a blockbuster sci-fi shooter, or creating complex layered transitions for a cutting edge electronic music project, Microsphere delivers an extraordinary palette of sound that will take your productions into uncharted territory.

By recording electromagnetic fields with special equipment, Glitchmachines designer Ivo Ivanov has captured a collection of hidden sounds, including audible data transmissions, noise-beds, code sequences, noise bursts, and other aural artifacts normally concealed from our sensory perception. Every imaginable source was captured, including scanners, cameras, toys, modems, hard drives, tools, appliances, motors, and much more.

Microsphere also includes a distinctive ensemble of synthetic tones and textures. This content was sourced from an assortment of boutique hardware devices, synthesizer modules and hybrid soft synths, and processed using an eclectic variety of specialized software and unconventional production techniques.

Tweak with Max for Live

Microsphere comes with Microsphere Sound Control, a custom Max for Live device for parameter morphing that allows for both direct and modulated control. Discover the powerful scope of Microsphere’s sonic arsenal and reveal a hidden world of infinite sonic possibilities!

SYNTHiC4TE |四月 |1.92 gb

无论你是为一大片科幻射手打造高科技武器效果, 还是为尖端电子音乐项目创造复杂的分层过渡, 微球提供了一个非凡的声音调色板, 将你的作品带入未知领域。

通过记录电磁场与特殊设备, Glitchmachines 设计师伊沃·彼得罗夫伊万诺夫已经捕捉到隐藏的声音收集, 包括发声的数据传输, 噪音床, 代码序列, 噪音爆裂, 和其他听觉工件通常隐藏在我们的感官知觉。每个能想像的来源都被捕捉到, 包括扫描仪, 照相机, 玩具, 调制解调器, 硬盘, 工具, 家电, 马达等等。

微球也包括一个独特的合成音调和纹理。该内容来源于各种精品硬件设备、合成器模块和混合软合成, 并使用折衷的专业软件和非常规生产技术进行加工。

用 max 调整生活

微球与微球声音控制, 一个自定义的最大参数变形活装置, 允许直接和调制控制。发现微球声波武库的强大范围, 揭示出一个无限的声波可能性的隐藏世界!