Duration 4h 40m Project Files Included MP4
Title: Packt Publishing – Unity 5.x by Example
This example-based practical guide will get you up and running with Unity 5.x
About This Video
Get the most up-to-date resource on Unity 5.x with a comprehensive discussion of all the new features of Unity 5.x
Understand the core concepts surrounding Unity5 game development with this power-packed hands-on guide
Brush up your existing game development skills and create games that have a brilliant game play using the excellent examples in this video course
In Detail
Unity is an exciting and popular engine in the game industry. Throughout this course, you’ll learn how to use Unity by making four fun game projects, from shooters and platformers to exploration and adventure games. This easy-to-follow course will help you quickly learn how to use Unity in a practical context, step-by-step, by making real-world game projects. Even if you have no previous experience of Unity, this video course will help you understand the tool set in depth.
You’ll learn how to create a time-critical collection game, a twin-stick space shooter, a platformer, and an action-fest game with intelligent enemies. In clear and accessible prose, this video course will present you with step-by-step tutorials by making four interesting games in Unity 5 and explain all the fundamental concepts along the way. Starting from the ground up and moving toward an intermediate level, this video course will help you establish a strong foundation in making games with Unity 5.
持续时间 4h 40m 项目文件包括
标题: packt 出版社发布–统一5.x 示例
本 example-based 实用指南将使您与统一5。x
获得关于统一5.x 的最新资源, 并全面讨论统一5.x 的所有新功能
了解围绕 Unity5 游戏开发的核心概念与此电源封装的动手指南
使用本视频课程中的优秀示例, 将您现有的游戏开发技能刷上, 并创建具有精彩游戏的游戏
团结是一个激动人心的和流行的引擎在游戏行业。在本课程中, 您将学习如何使用统一, 通过制作四个有趣的游戏项目, 从射手和 platformers 到探险和冒险游戏。此 easy-to-follow 课程将帮助您快速学习如何在实际上下文中使用统一, step-by 步骤, 通过制作真实世界游戏项目。即使您没有统一的经验, 此视频课程将帮助您了解该工具的深度设置。
你将学习如何创建一个 time-critical 的集合游戏, 一对双胞胎棒的太空射手, 一个平台游戏, 和一个行动-巨星的敌人的游戏。在清晰易懂的散文中, 本视频课程将通过在五合一中制作四个有趣的游戏, 并讲解沿途的所有基本概念, 以 step-by 步骤教程。从地面开始向上移动到一个中级水平, 这个视频课程将帮助你建立一个强大的基础, 以团结的游戏五。