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音效下载Strezov Sampling LIPP Piano v1.1 KONTAKT的图片1

Strezov Sampling LIPP Piano v1.1 KONTAKT | 8.2 Gb

Intimate, unique, huge dynamic range and dead easy to mix that's our Lipp Piano. Recorded in Sofia Session Studio with 3 different mic positions, 4x Round Robins on each note and according to our sample philosophy far away from an overprocessed sound many of today's piano libraries have, this 100 years old instrument will inspire you as it did all the pianists during the last century.

After months of research and our first piano sampling adventure "Belarus" we know what a modern piano library has to contain to be a useful tool in the arsenal of a modern media composer, which inspires and gets the job done quickly. Lipp is the final result and when you watch the walkthroughs you will realize that no words can praise this library more than its actual sound and beautiful GUI, which makes it easier than ever to get your piano parts into the mix. Featuring an intuitive dry/wet slider, which controls all mic positions at once as well as Stereo Spread and EQ functions, you won't need any additional processing.


• Recorded 100 years old Concert Grand by Lipp & Sohn in Sofia Session Studio

• 3 different mic positions (hall, stage, close) for maximum control over the sound

• Recorded Pedal Noise for additional realism

• 5 dynamic layers (ff, f, mf, mp, p)

• 4x Round Robins

• Intuitive dry/wet slider

• Stereo Spread function

• No compression

• No external processing

Strezov 取样利浦钢琴 v1.1 KONTAKT |8.2 gb

亲密, 独特, 巨大的动态范围和死亡容易混合, 这是我们的利浦钢琴。录制在索非亚会议演播室与3不同的麦克风位置, 4x 圆罗宾斯在每个笔记和根据我们的样品哲学远离 overprocessed 声音许多今天钢琴图书馆有, 这100年老仪器将启发你, 因为它做了所有钢琴演奏家在上个世纪期间。

经过几个月的研究和我们的第一次钢琴取样探险 "白俄罗斯" 我们知道现代钢琴图书馆必须包含的是一个有用的工具, 在现代媒体作曲家的武库中, 它激发和得到的工作迅速完成。利浦是最终的结果, 当你观看演练, 你会发现, 没有任何词语可以赞美这个图书馆的实际声音和美丽的 gui, 这使得它比以往更容易得到你的钢琴零件的组合。具有直观的干/湿滑块, 它控制所有麦克风的位置一次, 以及立体声传播和 eq 功能, 您不需要任何额外的处理。



·3个不同的麦克风位置 (霍尔, 舞台, 关闭) 以最大限度地控制声音


·5动态层 (ff、f、mf、mp、p)

·4x 圆罗宾斯



