Bluezone Corporation Lost In Space Sci Fi Cinematic Samples WAV | 588 Mb
Bluezone releases 'Lost In Space - Sci Fi Cinematic Samples', a new science fiction Trailer / Cinematic sample pack covering a wide range of sophisticated and futuristic ambiences, transitions, sequences, SFX, drones and impacts. Meticulously recorded, this state-of-the-art sound library provides 138 sounds in industry-standard 24-bit waves. Design your Sci Fi universe: backed with complex and varied sound effects, this sample library brings you production-ready elemants as: synth textures, transitions and whooshes, intimidating soundscapes, hits and impacts, low and sub drones and much more. Now available for instant download, this sound library is royalty-free and does not require any additional costs or permissions - it's 100% ready to be used in your commercial musical productions.
• Editor : Bluezone
• Reference : BC0229
• Format : WAV
• Resolution : 24 Bit / 44.1 kHz
• Channel : Stereo
• License : Royalty free
• Total files : 150
• Total samples : 138 WAV
Bluezone 公司迷失在太空 sci 电影样本 wav |588 mb
Bluezone 发布的 "迷失在太空-科幻电影样本", 一个新的科幻拖车/电影样本包涵盖范围广泛的复杂和未来的气息, 过渡, 序列, sfx, 无人机和影响。精心录制, 这 state-of-the 艺术音响库提供138声音在工业标准的24位波。设计您的 sci 网络宇宙: 支持复杂多变的音效, 这个样本库带给你生产准备 elemants: 合成纹理, 过渡和嘶嘶声, 恐吓音景, 命中和影响, 低和子无人机和更多。现在可以即时下载, 这个声音库是免费的, 不需要任何额外的费用或权限-它是100% 准备使用在您的商业音乐生产。
·编辑: bluezone
·参考: BC0229
·格式: wav
·分辨率:24 位/44.1 赫
·频道: 立体声
·许可: 免版税
·文件总数: 150
·样品总数: 138 wav