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Pro Sound Effects Cinematic Winds WAV | 1.97 Gb

Recorded and designed by film sound legends Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet (well known for their work with David Lynch), the Cinematic Winds sound effects library delivers diverse recordings from eerie, hollow wind sounds to whipping, stormy moodscapes.

Cinematic Winds is an exclusive collection of sound effects selected from the venerable Kroeber-Splet private recording archive, Sound Mountain. “Of all the sounds from our library, the wind recordings are some of the most iconic and evocative,” says Ann Kroeber, having created an extensive sound catalog with her late partner Splet over decades of pioneering their craft. Wind is one of the most difficult elements to record. This is why Pro Sound Effects is proud to offer this carefully curated library from two artful sound designers and recordists we have tremendous respect for. Take your next sound design project to the next level by dragging and dropping the work of Kroeber and Splet into your scene.

pro 音效电影风 wav |1.97 gb

录制和设计的电影声音传奇 ann 葛艺豪和艾伦 Splet (众所周知, 他们的工作与大卫林奇), 电影风音效库提供不同的录音, 从怪异, 空心风听起来鞭打, 暴风雨 moodscapes。

电影风是从古老的葛艺豪-Splet 私人录音档案, 酣然的山精选的声音效果的独家收藏。"在所有的声音从我们的图书馆, 风录音是一些最具代表性和唤起的," 安葛艺豪说, 创造了一个广泛的声音目录与她已故的伙伴 Splet 数十年的开拓他们的工艺。风是最难记录的元素之一。这就是为什么 pro 音效的效果是自豪地提供这个精心策划的图书馆从两个巧妙的设计师和 recordists 我们有巨大的尊敬。将葛艺豪和 Splet 的工作拖放到您的场景中, 将您的下一个声音设计项目带到下一个级别。