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Duration 3h 25m Project Files Included MP4

Houdini VFX for Games


Have you ever sat down in Unreal Engine to create an effect, and not had a clue where to start? Then you’ll love this course, Houdini VFX for Games. First, you’ll start from the very beginning by creating the textures for your sprites. Next, you’ll create debris in a way that allows you use over and over again. Finally, you’ll add all the extras to really sell the effect, like decals, camera shake, and a shockwave. When you are finished with this course, not only will you have gained a deeper understanding of timing and the importance of telling a story with the effect, but you’ll have planted the seed for future endeavors into proceduralism. Software required: Houdini, Photoshop and Unreal Engine 4.

持续时间 3h 25m 项目文件包括



你有没有在虚幻的引擎中坐下来创造一个效果, 而不知道从哪里开始?然后你会爱上这个课程, 胡迪尼视觉特效游戏。首先, 你将从一开始就为你的精灵创造纹理。接下来, 您将以一种允许反复使用的方式创建碎片。最后, 您将添加所有的额外的真正销售效果, 如贴花, 相机摇, 和冲击波。当你完成这门课程的时候, 你不仅会加深对时间的理解, 以及讲述一个故事的重要性, 而且你将会把种子植入到 proceduralism。需要的软件: 胡迪尼, ps 和虚幻的引擎4。