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音效下载Audio Imperia Event Horizon Vol 1 v1.1 KONTAKT的图片1

Audio Imperia Event Horizon Vol 1 v1.1 KONTAKT | 1.08 Gb

Futuristic, electronic sounds, synths and effects, all delivered in high definition 96kHz/24Bit. The AUDIO IMPERIA "Event Horizon" series is specifically designed for modern science fiction campaigns in the likes of Tron, Interstellar, Oblivion, Gravity, Elysium and similar movies. We heavily drew inspiration from musicians such as M83, Daftpunk, Thomas Bergersen, Junkie XL and Steven Price.


• Downers

• Drones

• (Electronic) Drums

• Hits (Designed)

• Pulses 3/4

• Pulses 4/4

• Spiccato Synths

• Subs

• (Soft) Transitions

音频因佩里亚事件地平线 1 v1.1 KONTAKT |1.08 gb

未来派, 电子声音, 合成和效果, 全部交付在高清晰度96赫/24 位。音频因佩里亚 "事件视界" 系列是专为现代科幻运动, 在像是, 星际, 遗忘, 重力, 极乐世界和类似电影。我们大量的灵感来自音乐家, 如 M83, Daftpunk, 托马斯博格森, 瘾君子 xl 和史蒂文价格。




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