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Flatpack Analogik Waves II v1.1 ALP | 1.54 Gb

Flatpack Analogik Waves II offers a new collection of unique, highly customizable analog sounds to add to your arsenal. Sampled from boutique analog oscillators and chromatically tracked across the keyboard, Waves II offers a wide spectrum of sonic possibilities.

Crafted by UK-based sound designers Flatpack, the Analogik Waves II Pack expands on the comprehensive Analogik Waves I collection. In their return to analog sampling, Flatpack has decided to focus their new Waves Pack around three analog oscillators that are distinctive as their names suggest: the Verbos Harmonic Oscillator, the Furthrrr Generator, and the Whimsical Raps Mannequins Mangrove. In their natural hardware habitat, each of these oscillators can create a wealth of intriguing audio possibilities, and Waves II adds to that power by giving users the ability to combine these unique sounds and textures into entirely new creations, and further customize them using the flexibility inherent to Live's Instrument Racks.

Containing 110 different Simpler/Oscillator patches, Analogik Waves II makes everything from warm, piercing leads to dense pads and kaleidoscopic bursts of analog noise possible with the right patch and a few turns of the knobs. Each Waves II patch begins with a sample that was recorded directly from one of the trio of analog oscillators. To provide extra sonic character, the samples were recorded using a variety of signal chains, ranging from simple and clean to heavily processed signal paths. From there, Flatpack have chromatically mapped out (using 2,815 individual oscillator samples) each sound so that they can be played across the full range of the keyboard, from C0 to C6. Ultimately, the aim of Analogik Waves II is to provide Instruments that can be either monophonic or polyphonic and stay in tune, yet can also still keep the idiosyncrasies that make analog hardware synths so appealing.

Flatpack Analogik 波浪 ii v1.1 阿尔卑斯 |1.54 gb

Flatpack Analogik 波浪 ii 提供独特的, 高度可定制的模拟声音的新集合添加到您的武库。从精品模拟振荡器和上色跟踪的采样穿过键盘, 波 ii 提供了广泛的声波可能性频谱。

由 UK-based 音响设计师 Flatpack, Analogik 波 ii 包扩展在综合 Analogik 波我收集。在返回模拟取样时, Flatpack 决定把它们的新波包聚焦在三的模拟振荡器上, 它们的名字是与众不同的: Verbos 谐振子, 内啡肽. es Furthrrr 发生器, 以及异想天开的斥责模特儿红树林。在他们的自然硬件栖息地, 每个振荡器可以创造丰富的迷人的音频可能性, 波浪 ii 增加了这一权力, 使用户能够将这些独特的声音和纹理结合成全新的创作, 并进一步定制他们使用的灵活性, 生活的仪器架固有的。

包含110个不同的简单/振荡器补丁, Analogik 波 ii 使一切从温暖, 穿孔导致密集的垫和万花筒般的模拟噪音可能与正确的补丁和几轮旋钮。每波 ii 补丁从一个样本, 直接记录从一个三个模拟振荡器开始。为了提供额外的声波特性, 这些样品是使用各种各样的信号链记录的, 从简单的和干净的到经过处理的信号通路。从那里, Flatpack 有上色映射出 (使用2815单独振荡器样本) 每一个声音, 使他们可以在整个范围的键盘, 从从, 从到 C6。最终, Analogik 波 ii 的目的是提供可以单声道或复调和保持调谐的乐器, 但还可以保留使模拟硬件合成如此吸引人的特质。