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音效下载Impact Soundworks Sitar Nation v2.0 KONTAKT的图片1

Impact Soundworks Sitar Nation v2.0 KONTAKT | 1.53 Gb

The most deeply sampled sitar, tambura, tabla and baya library ever released! Includes multiple mic positions, all important playing techniques, FX patches, and MIDI grooves. We came up with the idea for Sitar Nation in mid-2007, after noticing that despite the growing popularity of ethnic instrument libraries, few products sampled non-Western instruments with a level of depth expected from a modern sample library.

The sitar, tampura, tabla and baya were chosen for our library not only because these instruments have remained a foundation of Indian classical music for centuries, but also because they have even permeated Western music since the 50s and 60s. Sitar Nation is the first library to capture these instruments with a level of detail and realism normally reserved for violins and pianos, allowing the composer to control and play these beautiful sounds without relying on excessive programming.

The library is built on 2.7gb of “unlocked” 24-bit/44.1khz audio content. Eighteen main patches cover a variety of important playing techniques for all four instruments, all of which can be loaded from up to three positions: close, room, and ambient. This, combined with extensive sampling for velocity and round robins, allows you to carefully reproduce authentic sounds OR simply add flourishes of flavor to your compositions with a minimum of time spent.

冲击 Soundworks 西塔琴国家 v2.0 KONTAKT |1.53 gb

最深采样的西塔琴, tambura, 与和雷蒙·拉马扎尼·巴亚图书馆曾经发布!包括多个麦克风位置, 所有重要的演奏技巧, fx 补丁, 和 midi 凹槽。我们想出了西塔琴国家在 mid-2007 的想法, 注意到尽管民族乐器图书馆越来越普及, 但很少有产品取样非西方乐器, 并从现代的样本库的深度期望。

西塔琴、tampura、与和雷蒙·拉马扎尼·巴亚为我们的图书馆选择, 不仅因为这些乐器在几个世纪以来一直是印度古典音乐的基础, 而且也因为他们甚至已经渗入了西方音乐。西塔琴国家是第一个收集这些仪器的细节和现实主义, 通常为小提琴和钢琴保留, 允许作曲家控制和演奏这些优美的声音, 而不依赖过多的编程。

该库是建立在2.7gb 的 "解锁" 24 位/44.1khz 音频内容。十八个主要补丁包括各种各样的重要演奏技术为所有四仪器, 所有可以从三位置装载: 关闭, 房间和环境。这, 结合广泛的采样速度和圆知更鸟, 允许你仔细地再现真实的声音或简单地增加了丰富的香味, 你的作文, 用最少的时间。