CG数据库 >> Intermediate Ocean FX

Intermediate Ocean FX的图片1

Duration 5h 3m Project Files Included MP4

Houdini: Intermediate Ocean FX


Have you ever had the idea of creating an infinite and photo realistic ocean in 3D with a simulated boat driving through it? If so, this is the perfect course for you. In this course, Houdini: Intermediate Ocean FX, you’ll learn how to setup a procedural ocean and do a flip fluid simulation for the boat. First, you’ll discover how to use the ocean spectrum to create an infinite ocean. Next, you’ll add the boat, do a flip simulation for a specific area with high detail, and add whitewater and mist. Finally, you’ll extend the simulated area and setup the shaders to render all the layers. When you’re finished with this Houdini 16 course, you’ll not only have an ocean rendered with a high detail fluid simulation, but you’ll also have a workflow on how to master your own ocean and fluid challenges in the future. Software required: Houdini 16.

持续时间 5h 3m 项目文件包括

胡迪尼: 中间洋 fx


你有没有想过创建一个无限和照片逼真的三维海洋与模拟船驾驶通过它?如果是这样, 这是你的完美课程。在本课程中, 胡迪尼: 中级洋 fx, 你将学习如何设置一个程序性的海洋, 并做一个翻转流体模拟的小船。首先, 你会发现如何使用海洋光谱来创造无限的海洋。接下来, 您将添加小船, 对一个特定区域进行翻转模拟, 并添加白水和薄雾。最后, 您将扩展模拟区域并设置着色器以渲染所有图层。当你完成这个胡迪尼16的课程, 你不仅会有一个高细节的流体模拟的海洋, 但你也会有一个工作流, 如何掌握自己的海洋和流体的挑战在未来。需要的软件: 胡迪尼16。