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音效下载Micromorph Morphzilla v2.0 KONTAKT的图片1

Micromorph Morphzilla v2.0 KONTAKT | 630 Mb

Morphzilla is a dual layer morphing tool for Kontakt 5 with a wide range of sounds including monstrous textured drones, evolving pads, ghostly atmospheres, impacts to complex, microscopic sound design elements. You can also add your own samples.

Version 2.0 includes a Sequencer (upto 64 step) and Effects page including Distortion, Tape Saturator, Compressor, Delay & Reverb.

Combine, twist, sculpt and morph this unique library and create your own sonic patches. Includes dusty pads, nasty impacts, beautiful textured soundscapes and delicate sound design elements. Edit the sample start of each sound, reverse and morph the samples in each menu independently, then combine and crossfade these using the modulation wheel. Use the sequencer to create unique patterns for delicate underscores & glitchy rhythms. Paired with the dedicated effects page and the versatile main page provides numerous options to create your own unique sound palettes. One patch and 2 sample menus holding 302 unique, organically cultivated and beautifully hand-crafted sounds. You can also add your own samples to the user samples groups.

Although these samples will sound great out of the box, there aren’t really any preset patches in here – It’s ready and waiting for you to delve in to the simple user interface and create unique instrument patches for each project. This will sound like no other sample library you own – morphing between music and sound design, it’s dark, twisted and nasty but also uniquely beautiful too. If you want to add something a little bit special to your tracks, then this library is for you.

Some of the raw sounds which have been processed and feature in Morphzilla include – Flames, ice, fans, clicks and bleeps, microscopic glitches, circuits, switches, crickets, vocals, guitars, engines, field recordings, found sounds and loads more.. These have been carefully sculptured into monstrous textured drones, evolving pads, ghostly atmospheres, impacts to delicate sound design elements. Each sample layer can be edited further by using the Morph wheel to combine and crossfade between the 2 layers. This can be controlled using the mod wheel or the mouse. Tune, ADSR, Sample start, Reverse, Pan, Bitcrush, Cutoff,Resonance, Envelope & separate Filter and Amp envelopes for each layer. Sequencer can control each layer separately or can run both layers. The effects page includes Distortion, Tape Saturator, Compressor, Delay and Reverb.

Micromorph Morphzilla v2.0 KONTAKT |630 mb

Morphzilla 是一个双层变形工具的 Kontakt 5 与广泛的声音, 包括怪异的纹理无人机, 演变的垫, 幽灵般的气氛, 影响复杂的, 微观的声音设计元素。您也可以添加自己的示例。

版本2.0 包括一个排序器 (高达64步) 和效果页面, 包括失真, 磁带饱和, 压缩机, 延迟和混响。

结合, 扭曲, 雕塑和变形这个独特的图书馆, 并创建自己的声波补丁。包括灰尘垫, 恶劣的影响, 美丽的纹理声音和微妙的声音设计元素。编辑每个声音的采样开始, 在每个菜单中独立地反转和变形, 然后使用调制轮组合和交叉这些示例。使用排序器创造独特的模式, 微妙的下划线和出的节奏。配对的专用效果页面和多功能主页提供了许多选项, 以创建您自己独特的声音调色板。一个补丁和2样本菜单持有302独特的, 有机栽培和精美的手工制作的声音。您也可以将自己的示例添加到用户示例组中。

尽管这些示例听起来很棒, 但这里没有任何预设的补丁--它已经准备就绪, 等待您深入到简单的用户界面, 并为每个项目创建独特的工具补丁。这听起来就像你没有其他的样本库--在音乐和声音设计之间的变形, 它的黑暗, 扭曲和肮脏, 但也独特的美丽。如果你想添加一些特殊的东西到你的轨道, 那么这个图书馆是为你。

一些原始的声音已经处理和功能在 Morphzilla 包括-火焰, 冰, 风扇, 点击和哔, 微观故障, 电路, 开关, 蟋蟀, 声乐, 吉他, 发动机, 现场录音, 发现声音和负载更多。这些都被仔细地雕刻成怪异的质感无人机, 进化的垫子, 幽灵般的大气, 对微妙的声音设计元素的影响。每个样本层可以通过使用变形轮在2层之间进行组合和交叉来进一步编辑。这可以使用 mod 车轮或鼠标来控制。调整, ADSR, 样品开始, 反转, 平移, Bitcrush, 截止, 共振, 信封和独立的过滤器和每层的 amp 信封。排序器可以分别控制每个层, 也可以运行两个层。效果页面包括失真, 磁带饱和, 压缩机, 延迟和混响。