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音效下载8Dio Greek Percussion KONTAKT的图片1

8Dio Greek Percussion KONTAKT | 3.49 Gb

The instrument tradition of the mediterranean region goes far, far back in history. One of the countries with the longest tradition is Greece, which has instrument dating back to the Neolithic Age. The 8Dio Greek Percussion (+26.000 samples) contains a wide selection of beautiful, historical Greek percussion instruments, including 18″ and 22″ Daouli Drums, small and large Toubeleki Drums, 22″ Bendir Drum, Epirousian Tambourine, Rek Tambourine and additional auxiliary percussion.

For this library, we have selected the most characteristic and important percussion instruments used in today’s folklore not only in greece, but also in the countries surrounding it. The Bendir , Erbeni or Arbani is probably the simplest of all frame drums – Used mainly in countries from North Africa (from times of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia), the Bendir, when executed properly, delivers a beautiful sound full of harmonics and rich tails. Although its common size ranges between 14 and 16 inches, we have deeply sampled a massive 22’’ Bendir, which delivers even more defined lows and a huge amount of harmonics.

8Dio 希腊乐 KONTAKT |3.49 gb

地中海区域的仪器传统在历史上远去。拥有最悠久传统的国家之一是希腊, 它的仪器可以追溯到新石器时代。8Dio 希腊打击乐 (+ 26.000 样品) 包含了各种美丽的, 历史的希腊打击乐器, 包括18″和 22″ Daouli 鼓, 小和大 Toubeleki 鼓, 22″ Bendir 鼓, Epirousian 手鼓, Rek 手鼓和额外的辅助打击。

对于这个图书馆, 我们选择了当今民间传说中最具特色和最重要的打击乐器, 不仅在希腊, 而且在周边的国家也是如此。Bendir, Erbeni 或 Arbani 可能是最简单的所有帧鼓-主要用于北非国家 (从古埃及和美索不达米亚的时代), Bendir, 当执行得当, 提供了一个美丽的声音充满谐波和丰富的尾巴。虽然它的共同的大小范围在14和16英寸之间, 我们已经深深地取样了一个巨大的 22 "Bendir, 它提供了更明确的低和大量的谐波。