Duration 3h 2m Project Files Included MP4
Title: Pluralsight – Exploring 3D Studio Max Topology Tools
Have you ever had problems understanding the topology inside 3D Studio Max? If so, this is the perfect course for you. In this course, Exploring 3D Studio Max Topology Tools, you’ll learn the basics of topology and how to work properly with it to accomplish your goals. First, you’ll explore the difference between topology in movies and video games. Next, you’ll discover the topology tools in the graphite modeling tools panel and create LOD’s for an already rigged character. Finally, you’ll create a vase using the splines inside 3D Studio Max as well as turn spline text into qualified geometry that can be modified and sculpted in other sculpting packages. When you’re finished with this 3D Studio Max 2017 course, you’ll not only have better understanding how topology works inside 3ds Max, but also how to work with rigged models and how to solve problems you can encounter while doing it. Software required: 3ds Max 2017.
工期 3h 2m 项目文件包括 MP4
标题: Pluralsight-探索3D 工作室最大拓扑工具
您是否曾在3D 工作室最大的内部了解拓扑结构问题?如果是这样, 这是你的完美课程。在本课程中, 探索3D 工作室的最大拓扑工具, 您将学习拓扑的基础知识以及如何正确地使用它来完成您的目标。首先, 您将探讨在电影和视频游戏中拓扑的区别。接下来 , 您将在石墨建模工具面板中发现拓扑工具 , 并为已纵的字符创建 lod 。最后, 您将创建一个花瓶, 使用3D 工作室最大的样条, 以及将花键文本变成合格的几何, 可以修改和雕刻其他雕刻包装。当你完成了这个 3D 工作室的最大 2017 课程 , 你不仅可以更好地了解拓扑在 3ds max 中的工作原理 , 而且还有如何使用纵的模型 , 以及如何解决你在做的时候所遇到的问题。所需软件: 3ds 最大2017。