Intermediate | 2h 40m | 765 MB | Project Files | Software used: 3ds Max, Maya
Title: Lynda – 3ds Max: Rendering with Arnold
Info: Arnold is a high-quality rendering engine in 3ds Max 2018. Realistic rendering is easier than ever with this brute force Monte Carlo ray tracer. The physically-based rendering of Arnold accurately simulates light in the real world, but allows the breaking of physical laws to achieve artistic styles. This course is an overview of the core features of Arnold for lighting, materials, and rendering in 3ds Max.
中间体 |2h 40m |765 mb |项目文件 |使用的软件: 3ds 最大, 玛雅
标题: 琳–3ds 最大: 渲染与阿诺德
信息: 阿诺德是一个高质量的渲染引擎在3ds 最大2018。现实渲染比以往任何时候都更容易与这个蛮力蒙特卡洛射线示踪。阿诺德的物理渲染准确地模拟了现实世界中的光, 但允许物理定律的突破来达到艺术风格。本课程概述了阿诺德的核心功能, 照明, 材料和渲染在 3ds max。