CG数据库 >> Lynda – Houdini Particles

Lynda – Houdini Particles的图片1

Advanced | 3h 8m | 7.58 GB | Project Files | Software used: Houdini

Title: Lynda – Houdini Particles

Info: Explore the massively powerful particle system in Houdini. In this course, join Scott Pagano as he walks through how to use particle systems in Houdini. Scott takes you through four different projects that help you understand how to use particles with sprites and geometry instancing, and how to create trails and impacts. He shares how to create some emission off of a moving object and then create a smoky particle effect, how to create geometric trails streaming off an object, and more.

高级 |3h 8m |7.58 gb |项目文件 |使用的软件: 胡迪尼

标题: 琳-胡迪尼: 粒子

信息: 探索在胡迪尼强大的粒子系统。在本课程中, 加入斯科特帕加诺, 当他走过如何在胡迪尼中使用粒子系统。斯科特带您完成四不同的项目, 帮助您了解如何使用粒子与精灵和几何实例, 以及如何创建路径和影响。他分享如何创建一个移动物体的一些发射, 然后创建一个烟雾颗粒的效果, 如何创建从一个物体流出的几何轨迹, 等等。