CG数据库 >> 音效下载8Dio Anthology Strings Instrument KONTAKT

音效下载8Dio Anthology Strings Instrument KONTAKT的图片1

8Dio Anthology Strings Instrument KONTAKT | 41.7 Gb

Anthology Strings was crafted by Academy Award, TEC and G.A.N.G Award Winning Composer and Producer, Troels Folmann and Emmy-Nominated Composer and Orchestrator, Colin O’Malley. Anthology is the true reimagination of our original Adagio and Agitato String collections – hand-designed with our favorite 66.500 samples from both collections.

Anthology contains both Ensemble, Divisi and Solo String sections for both Violin(s), Viola(s), Cello(s) and Basse(s). All recorded exclusively with grand Neumann microphones – inside a rare church recording environment. The three sensible microphone positions (Close, Mixed, Far) offers you full mastery over the sound. We developed custom techniques for the close microphones – allowing them to record much closer and intimate than your common church scoring environments. No samples overwhelmed in reverb. Instead a touching and passionate collection of strings. All designed to capture your most beautiful thoughts.

The beating heart of Anthology Strings is its playability, emotion and ease-of-use. A compendium of all principal articulations needed for advanced orchestration – and equally built for fast and expressive string writing. The custom smart browser offers you access to everything. A single click gives access to all articulations. A few clicks and you’ve designed your personal matrix of articulations. Anthology Strings is symmetry. All String Sections have identical articulations and that goes for all Ensemble, Divisi and Solo Strings in the library. But most importantly Anthology is for you. The composer. The producer. The orchestrator. The person that wants the most expressive virtual strings ever created within a fingers touch. The person that want complete playability, effortless expression and true emotion in the sound. This library is for you and only you.

Dio 选集弦乐器 KONTAKT |41.7 gb

选集弦是由奥斯卡奖, tec 和 G.A.N. g 获奖作曲家和制片人, Troels Folmann 和艾美奖提名作曲家和协调, 科林 o 欧麦利。文集是真正的 reimagination, 我们最初的阿德吉奥和兴奋字符串收藏-手工设计, 我们最喜欢的66.500 样本从两个集合。

文集包含合奏, Divisi 并且独奏弦部分为小提琴 (s), 中提琴 (s), 大提琴 (s) 和巴斯特尔 (s)。所有记录完全与大纽曼麦克风-在一个罕见的教堂录音环境。三明智的麦克风位置 (关闭, 混合, 远) 为您提供充分掌握的声音。我们为近距离麦克风开发了定制技术, 让他们比你的普通教会评分环境更接近和亲密。没有在混响中被淹没的样本。而不是一个感人和充满激情的字符串收集。都是为了捕捉你最美丽的思绪

选本弦的跳动之心是它的可、情感和易用性。高级编排所需的所有主要关节的概要--并同样建立在快速和富有表现力的字符串写作中。自定义智能浏览器可为您提供访问所有内容的权限。单击一次可访问所有关节。点击几下, 你就设计了关节的个人矩阵。选本的弦是对称的。所有的字符串部分都有相同的关节, 这是所有的合奏, Divisi 和独奏字符串在图书馆。但最重要的是你的选集。作曲家。制片人协调。想要在手指触摸中创造出最有表现力的虚拟字符串的人。想要完整的可, 毫不费力的表达和真实情感的人在声音。这个图书馆是给你的, 只有你的。