CG数据库 >> 音效下载Spitfire Audio Samuel Sim Chrysalis KONTAKT

音效下载Spitfire Audio Samuel Sim Chrysalis KONTAKT的图片1

Spitfire Audio Samuel Sim Chrysalis KONTAKT | 13.7 Gb

A set of unique and inspirational sounds and tools designed by award-winning film & TV composer Samuel Sim. Centred around his searing talents as a harpist, at the core of this library sits a stunning, deep sampled studio harp. But this is just the beginning. As the name Chrysalis suggests, Samuel and the Spitfire team took extreme steps to bend sound into a collection of unique and fresh tools for your sonic arsenal.

176 hand-sculpted sounds, organised into four distinct categories that follow the development of the library from an intimate harp, to a warped organic masterpiece. 'Initial Pupae' contains the pure harp sound, deep sampled with 6 different microphone options. It contains the 'typical' plucked harp sound normale, as well as a selection of atypical articulations, including all the strings resonating from a cello bow.

喷火的音频塞缪尔 KONTAKT |13.7 gb

一套独特的, 鼓舞人心的声音和工具, 由屡获殊荣的电影和电视作曲家塞缪尔。围绕他的灼热人才作为一个竖琴, 在这个图书馆的核心坐着一个惊人的, 深取样工作室竖琴。但这仅仅是一个开始。正如蛹的名字所暗示的, 塞缪尔和喷火队采取了极端的步骤, 把声音弯成一个独特的和新鲜的工具, 为您的声波阿森纳。

176手工雕刻的声音, 组织成四个不同的类别, 跟着发展的图书馆从一个亲密的竖琴, 到一个扭曲的有机杰作。' 初始蛹 ' 包含纯竖琴声音, 深采样6不同的麦克风选项。它包含了 "典型的" 弹拨竖琴声音师范学校, 以及选择非典型关节, 包括所有的弦共鸣从大提琴弓。