CG数据库 >> 音效下载Spitfire Audio PP020 Evo Grid 2 KONTAKT

音效下载Spitfire Audio PP020 Evo Grid 2 KONTAKT的图片1

Spitfire Audio PP020 Evo Grid 2 KONTAKT | 19.4 Gb

Chapter two of the new “Evo Grid” experience. A whole new raft of super long chamber string evolutions to perfectly compliment the first instalment or sit proudly as its own super-inspiring compositional tool. Orchestrated by Ben Foskett and recorded in the dry, vintage craft studio that makes Evo Grid #2 quite simply a class act!

After the barn-storming success of EVG1, the hundreds of emails of encouragement, some great requests and feedback and a month or so of us working with EVG1 in anger, we decided to return to make a complimentary, or indeed standalone version of the Evo concept, that opens the next chapter in the evo journey. For the newly initiated Evos are hyperlong articulations that change sometimes subtly, sometimes radically over time before looping. We organise these on a grid so you can plot which evolution or 'Evo' sits on which key range. In this day and age, composers are often asked to engage the listener by doing so little, we're asked to rarely change a note, to do nothing, but really sort a scene out! Evo Grid is our means of providing composers with a solution to this conundrum!

烈性战机音频 PP020 evo 网格 2 KONTAKT |19.4 gb

第二章新的 "evo 网格" 体验。一个全新的超长室弦的演变, 以完全恭维第一批或坐在自豪地作为自己的味道组合工具。由 ben Foskett 和记录在干燥, 老式工艺工作室, 使 evo 网格2相当简单的类行为!

在 EVG1 成功之后数百封电子邮件的鼓励, 一些伟大的请求和反馈和一个月左右的我们工作与 EVG1 在愤怒中, 我们决定返回到一个免费的, 或实际上是独立版本的 evo 的概念, 打开下一章的 evo 旅程。对于新启动的 evos 是 hyperlong 关节, 有时会微妙地变化, 有时会在循环之前彻底改变。我们在一个网格上组织这些, 这样你就可以绘制出哪个进化或 "evo" 位于哪个键范围内。在这个时代, 作曲家常常被要求通过做这么少的事情来吸引听众, 我们被要求很少改变一个音符, 什么也不做, 而是真正的把场景整理出来!evo 网格是我们为作曲家提供解决这个难题的方法!