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音效下载Wandersound Elements Vol 1 WAV的图片1

Wandersound Elements Vol 1 WAV | 469 Mb

Elements vol 1 is a diverse introductory collection featuring sparse, layerable atmospherics and extended length elements including, 12bit drones, hollow winds, analog noise, static, ethereal passages, deep verb textures, transwave swells and opaque achromatic elements.

Wandersound 元素卷 1 wav |469 mb

元素卷1是一个多样化的介绍性集合, 具有稀疏, layerable 气氛和扩展长度元素, 包括12bit 无人机, 空心风, 模拟噪声, 静态, 空灵的通道, 深的动词纹理, transwave 膨胀和不透明的消色差元素。