CG数据库 >> 音效下载Spitfire Audio PP021 Evo Grid 3 KONTAKT

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Spitfire Audio PP021 Evo Grid 3 KONTAKT | 19.2 Gb

Spitfire takes its Evo range of products into a new realm with a series of evolving strings "motions" that we're certain will revolutionise the way in which you write and realise your string compositions. Orchestrated by Ben Foskett this product exudes class, and a cool organic sound that will bring fresh Steve Reich, Terry Riley, John Adams and Arvo Part style sophistication to any number of applications.

The newly initiated Evos are hyperlong articulations that change, sometimes subtly, sometimes radically over time before returning to their original state. We have organised these on a grid so you can plot which evolution or 'Evo' sits on which key range. In this day and age, composers are often asked to engage the listener by doing very little. We're asked to rarely change a note, to do nothing, but 'really sort a scene out'! Evo Grid is our means of providing composers with a solution to this conundrum! Evo 3 takes this concept further by introducing tempo lockable "motions" to the Evo Grid project. From simple shimmering textures, essential motoring evos that help to keep your simple compositions ticking along, to the most complex of polyrhythmic systems. We have to limit our own time on Evo 3, once you start you can't stop!

烈性战机音频 PP021 evo 网格 3 KONTAKT |19.2 gb

喷火战机把它的 evo 系列的产品带入一个新的领域, 一系列不断演变的字符串 "议案", 我们肯定会革命性的方式, 你写和实现你的弦组合。本 Foskett 本产品散发出的类, 和凉爽的有机声音, 将带来新鲜的史蒂夫德国政府, 特里莱利, 约翰·亚当斯和帕特部分风格复杂的任何数量的应用程序。

新启动的 evos 是 hyperlong 的关节, 有时是微妙的变化, 有时是在回到原来的状态之前的一段时间。我们在一个网格上组织了这些, 这样你就可以绘制出哪个进化或 "evo" 位于哪个关键范围。在这个时代, 作曲家常常被要求通过做很少的事情来吸引听众。我们被要求很少改变一个音符, 什么也不做, 但 ' 真的排序一个场景 '!evo 网格是我们为作曲家提供解决这个难题的方法!evo 3 引入了节奏锁定 "议案" 的 evo 网格项目进一步采取这个概念。从简单的闪闪发光的纹理, 基本的驾驶 evos, 帮助保持你的简单的组合滴答作响, 到最复杂的节奏系统。我们必须限制我们自己的时间在 evo 3, 一旦你开始, 你不能停止!