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音效下载Spitfire Audio Joey Santiago KONTAKT的图片1

FANTASTiC | June 19 2017 | 8.3 GB

A Monstrous Sonic Plough. In keeping with Spitfire’s Signature range we’re proud to present a true trailblazer, a guitar innovator and prolific composer in his own right. Creating a library of beautifully distorted filth for us all to gorge on. You are not just playing Joey’s guitars and his pedals, via his amps. You are actually playing Joey, playing his guitars and pedals via his amps.

Recorded in LA, re-amped in London and mutated in Edinburgh this library is a well travelled treasure chest of the coolest sounds you’re likely to find in a sample library. Why? Well instead of trying to be cool (an inherently uncool action) why not simply engage the skills of someone who exudes it?

Joey Santiago contains a variety of multi sampled instruments recorded and performed by the man himself through his favoured guitars, his fabled board and his much toured amp rig. We then re-amped the whole thing back in London’s super cool Pool Studios. In addition to the multi sampled virtual instruments we also captured hours of Joey shredding, gating, twisting and distorting into the raw materials for new sonic adventures. Finally, this raw material was taken to Christian Henson’s new ‘warp room’ on the edge of an extinct volcano in Scotland for further sound bending.

Pick the amps you wish to use, and use our popular “Mercury Synth” and eDNA engine to take our work and make it your own. Once done, happily tell people you have Joey Santiago from the Pixies on your track.

We hope this library appeals to a variety of users, rock, pop, EDM-ers, but also TV, Film and Games composers wanting to utilise the “real deal” on their work.

Following on from working with rock god drummers Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Matt Sorum (Guns n Roses) and Roger Taylor (Queen) it was only time to move on to guitars. So it only seemed fitting to go to one of the most inventive and influential guitarists of a generation, and a composer in his own right who knows what goes into creating virtual magic - The Pixies’ Joey Santiago. Santiago has described his guitar technique as "angular and bent", MTV's Laurel Bowman commented that Santiago's "sonic plough was the key element in the Pixies' monstrous presence"

Spitfire decamped to a vibey little space in East LA, rigged up 6 amps, Joey’s extraordinary pedal board via the finest valve and ribbon mics, into a rare vintage Neve console. The brief was not necessarily define a ‘virtual’ guitar (although there are multi sampled instruments herein), but to create an environment where Joey’s rich arsenal of sounds could flow forth. To follow in the excellent footsteps of Leo Abraham’s Enigma 1 & 2 in making a library that exudes cool, and which takes risks not many other sample libraries would dare to.


• 6 different signals to choose from; 4 amplified signals including Joey's own Marshall JCM800, Fender Vibrolux, and a Selmar and 2 different room perspectives.

• ‘Individual Plucks’ - All sounds played by Joey himself, through a selection of hand picked pedals. 18 different presets that give you they real Santiago guitar sounds.

• ‘Santiago Sounds’ - 35 different sounds created by the man himself through his vast collection of pedals all in the Mercury engine to add additional FX options.

• ‘Gigantic Mutations’ - 49 loops crafted from various sections of Joeys playing, housed and warped within Spitfire’s eDNA engine.

• ‘Radiant Pads’ - 150 sounds curated into 125 different presets, with a metallic edge. All in Spitfire’s eDNA engine.

梦幻 |2017年6月19日 |8.3 gb

一个可怕的声波犁。为了与喷火战机的签名范围保持一致, 我们很自豪地展示了一个真正的开拓者, 一个吉他创新家和他自己的作曲家。创建一个美丽扭曲的污垢库, 我们大家都在峡谷。你不只是玩乔伊的吉他和他的踏板, 通过他的安培。你实际上是在玩乔伊, 他的吉他和踏板通过他的安培。

记录在 la, re-amped 在伦敦和变异在爱丁堡这个图书馆是一个很好的旅行宝箱的最酷的声音, 你很可能会发现在一个样本库。为什么?而不是试图冷静 (一个天生的不酷的行动) 为什么不干脆从事的人谁散发的技能?

乔伊. 圣地亚哥包含了由该名男子自己通过他喜欢的吉他, 他的传说中的董事会和他的多巡回 amp 钻机记录和执行的多种多采样仪器。然后, 我们 re-amped 整个事情回到伦敦的超级酷池工作室。除了多采样的虚拟仪器之外, 我们还捕获了几个小时的乔伊切碎, 浇口, 扭曲和扭曲为新的声波冒险的原材料。最后, 这一原料被带到了基督教汉森的新 "翘曲室" 的边缘, 在一个已灭绝的火山在苏格兰进一步的声音弯曲。

选择你想使用的安培, 并使用我们流行的 "水星合成器" 和埃德娜引擎, 采取我们的工作, 使其成为您自己的。一旦做了, 愉快地告诉人们您有乔伊圣地亚哥从精灵在您的轨道。

我们希望这个图书馆能吸引各种用户, 摇滚, 流行音乐, edm, 还有电视、电影和游戏的作曲家, 他们想在工作中使用 "真正的交易"。

跟随从工作与岩石上帝鼓手乍得史密斯 (红色辣辣椒), 暗淡 Sorum (枪 n 玫瑰) 和 roger 泰勒 (女王/王后) 这是唯一的时间移动到吉他。因此, 这似乎是适合去一个最有创造力和最有影响力的吉他手一代, 和一个作曲家在他自己的权利谁知道什么进入创造虚拟魔术-精灵 ' 乔伊圣地亚哥。圣地亚哥描述他的吉他技巧为 "角和弯曲", mtv 的桂冠鲍曼评论说, 圣地亚哥的 "声波犁是关键的元素在精灵 ' 可怕的存在"

喷火撤离到一个 vibey 的小空间在东 la, 操纵了6安培, 乔伊的非凡踏板板通过最好的阀门和丝带麦克风, 成为一个罕见的老式的无控制台。这份简报不一定是定义一个 ' 虚拟 ' 吉他 (虽然这里有多个采样仪器), 但创造一个环境, 乔伊丰富的声音的阿森纳可以流出来。跟随在利奧亚伯拉罕的谜1和2的优秀的脚步, 在制作一个散发着清凉的图书馆, 并采取的风险不是许多其他样本库不敢。


·6不同的信号可供选择;4放大信号, 包括乔伊自己的马歇尔 JCM800, 挡泥板 Vibrolux, 和一个 Selmar 和2不同的房间透视。

· "个人采摘"--乔伊自己的所有声音, 通过精选的手蹬踏板来播放。18不同的预设, 给你他们真正的圣地亚哥吉他的声音。

· "圣地亚哥的声音"-35 不同的声音, 由该名男子自己创造了大量的踏板在水星引擎, 以增加额外的外汇选择。

· ' 巨大的突变 '-49 个循环制作从不同的部分 "演奏, 安置和扭曲在喷火器的埃德娜引擎。

· "辐射垫"-150 声音被策划成125不同的预设, 与金属的边缘。都在喷火的埃德娜引擎。