CG数据库 >> 音效下载Spitfire Audio PP025 Evo Grid 4 KONTAKT

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Spitfire Audio PP025 Evo Grid 4 KONTAKT | 14.9 Gb

Unique Evolving Woodwinds. The next chapter in the Evo Grid series, some of the most instantly gratifying sounds we've had the pleasure of making. This volume features an eclectic collection of woodwinds evolutions designed by Ben Foskett to bring a very special edge to your music.

Following on from the success of Spitfire's original Evo Grid 1, and the stunning Evo Grid 2 and the ultra exclusive 'Symphonic Evolutions', it was time to let the blowers have a go! Returning to the ultra dry but warm vintage surroundings of Air Edel Studios, Spitfire Audio, in conjunction with Ben Foskett, set about doing things with woodwinds that you would never expect. To create a product that oozes originality, inspiration and a critical edge for your future compositions! The newly initiated Evos are hyperlong articulations that change, sometimes subtly and sometimes radically, over time before looping. We organise these on a grid so you can plot which evolution or 'Evo' sits on which key range. In this day and age, composers are often asked to engage the listener by doing very little, we're asked to rarely change a note, to do nothing, but 'really sort a scene out'! Evo Grid is our means of providing composers with a solution to this conundrum!

烈性战机音频 PP025 evo 网格 4 KONTAKT |14.9 gb

独特的进化木。下一章的 evo 网格系列, 一些最即时的可喜的声音, 我们已经有了乐趣。本卷的特点是由本 Foskett 设计的木进化的折衷集合, 使您的音乐具有非常特殊的优势。

从成功的喷火人的原始 evo 网格 1, 和惊人的 evo 网格2和超独家的 ' 交响演变 ', 是时候让鼓风机了!返回到超干燥, 但温暖的老式空气 Edel 工作室, 喷火的音频, 与本 Foskett, 着手与木的事情, 你永远不会期待。创建一个产品, 渗出创意, 灵感和一个关键的优势, 为您的未来组合!新启动的 evos 是 hyperlong 关节, 在循环之前, 有时是微妙的, 有时是根本性的变化。我们在一个网格上组织这些, 这样你就可以绘制出哪个进化或 "evo" 位于哪个键范围内。在这个时代, 作曲家经常被要求通过做很少的事情来吸引听众, 我们被要求很少改变一个音符, 什么也不做, 而是 ' 真正的把场景整理出来 '!evo 网格是我们为作曲家提供解决这个难题的方法!