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音效下载Spitfire Audio Albion II Loegria REDUX v3.22 KONTAKT的图片1

Spitfire Audio Albion II Loegria REDUX v3.22 KONTAKT | 32.4 Gb

Everything you need to write beautiful detailed and esoteric TV, Film & Games music. This volume encompasses a finely sampled and enchanting chamber sized string section, esoteric woods and brass, new cinematic drums, quirky eccentric loops and an inspiring organic synth.

After the success of the epic sounding Albion 1 the second outing in the range features a smaller more detailed string section and a host of more eccentric and esoteric tools. If you have your sights on independent films, period dramas, or more cerebral and intimate music this library would be a great starting point.



Made from a totally new set of samples recorded at Air-Studios Lyndhurst Hall, ALBION II is simply the most elegant entry into making detailed, chamber, unique and esoteric music. Albion ONE and its legacy predecessor, winner of countless awards and plaudits, has found favour the world over, whether it be as a one-stop-shop for media composers, a great starter for students wanting to break into media music, or indeed the building blocks for a fine orchestral set-up. With everything in the Albion range recorded in the hall at Air Studios, it fits perfectly with our Definitive and BML ranges.

Albion II is designed as a stand-alone tool and contains everything you would need to write beautiful and esoteric film scores out-of-the-box. We are excited to present an incredibly talented chamber sized string group of the first call session players here in the UK, as in Albion ONE, recorded as High and Low Ensembles. With strings that concentrate also on an array of additional techniques not found in Albion ONE, and woods and brass that centre more on "choral" use of such sections, at last this intimate sound is available with Spitfire's mic mixing ability. Loegria is a must buy for Albion ONE users wishing to expand on the possibilities of that broad & thumping tool-set, but also stands alone as a superb tool for creating intimate and emotional scores. If you've ever been short of inspiration and desired to create something truly unique sounding and engaging we're certain Albion II is a great starting point!

As successful composers Paul Thomson, Christian Henson and the rest of the Spitfire team understand the tools that we all need to deliver inspiration in times of creative drought, speed of use when up against the clock and scaleability on a number of systems when composition on your laptop on the red-eye from NY to LA is required.

Loegria is the second instalment in the Albion range that delivers all this to you in one box. We've loved beta testing this and many of its fine features are already making their way to dubbing theatres. In all honesty we think it's the nicest sounding library we've ever produced.

烈性战机音频诺维奇 ii Loegria 再现 v3.22 KONTAKT |32.4 gb

所有你需要写美丽的详细和深奥的电视, 电影和游戏的音乐。这卷包括一个精巧取样和迷人的房间大小的弦节, 深奥的树林和黄铜, 新的电影鼓, 古怪古怪的循环和鼓舞人心的有机合成。

在成功的史诗冠冕堂皇的诺维奇1第二次郊游的范围内有一个更小的更详细的字符串部分和许多偏心和深奥的工具。如果你有你的目光在独立的电影, 期间的戏剧, 或更多的大脑和亲密的音乐, 这个图书馆将是一个伟大的出发点。


详细, 启发和深奥的工具, 优美的音乐。

由一组全新的样本记录在 air-工作室林德赫斯特大厅, 第二个简单的是最优雅的进入制作详细, 室内乐, 独特和深奥的音乐。诺维奇一及其遗产的前身, 无数奖项和赞誉的赢家, 已经发现青睐世界各地, 无论是作为一个一站式的媒体作曲家, 一个伟大的初学者, 希望打破媒体音乐的学生, 甚至是一个良好的管弦乐设置的基石。所有的东西在诺维奇的范围内记录在空中工作室, 它完全符合我们的明确和 bml 范围。

诺维奇 ii 被设计为一个 stand-alone 的工具, 包含所有你需要写美丽和深奥的电影得分现成的。我们很兴奋地提出一个令人难以置信的有才华的房间大小字符串组的第一次调用会话的球员在这里在英国, 在诺维奇一, 记录为高和低合奏。随着字符串, 也集中在一组额外的技术没有发现在诺维奇一, 和伍兹和黄铜的中心更多的 "合唱" 使用这样的部分, 最后这个亲密的声音是可用的喷火人的麦克风混合能力。Loegria 是一个必须购买的诺维奇一个用户希望扩大的可能性, 广泛和重击工具, 但也单独作为一个高超的工具, 创造亲密和情感得分。如果你从来没有灵感和渴望创造的东西真正独特的冠冕堂皇和参与, 我们一定的诺维奇 ii 是一个伟大的出发点!

作为成功的作曲家保罗基督教汉森和其他的喷火队理解的工具, 我们都需要提供灵感的时候, 创造性的干旱, 使用速度时, 对时钟和 scaleability 的一些系统时, 你的笔记本电脑上的 red-eye 从 ny 到 la 是必需的。

Loegria 是第二批在诺维奇范围内, 把所有这一切给你一个盒子。我们很喜欢 beta 测试, 而且它的许多优良功能已经成为了配音剧院的方法。老实说, 我们认为这是我们有史以来最动听的图书馆。