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Spitfire Audio Marimba Swarm KONTAKT | 18.6 Gb

9 Marimbas placed all over the hall at Air Studios to create what can only be described as a tuned percussion 'choir'. With an infectious selection of single hits, through to transfixing choral tremolando patches.

A versatile set of tools recorded in the world class Air Studios London by Jake Jackson via the finest signal path to 2" tape. With a broad variety of mixes, microphone positions and perspectives, Marimba swarm caters to a variety of causes. From a celebratory carnival troupe, to Terence Malick inspired vistas, to awesome Steve Reich or Terry Riley style systems uses. From a distant boys choir to an intense and slightly insane wooden rainstorm! This product is part of our "Swarm" range, forming orchestral sections out of unexpected groups of musicians placed around the hall at Air-Studios, in the surrounds and up in the lofty galleries. To give an extraordinary sense of space and scale but also definition. For any composer looking to create chaotic human awe in their music, for producers wishing to wow their clients with something truly unexpected, but gloriously listenable.

Wood is a living substance, it expands and contracts in different conditions. For wooden bodied instruments the seasons can effect the resonance, the harmonic table of the instrument. For instruments that use the wood itself to create the pitch this can result in microtonal differences over time. It is part of what gives the Marimba it's rich sound. So it should follow that no Marimba note is going to exactly match that of another. When combining 9 together you therefore get 9 distinctly different notes sounding in unison. Combine this with the natural human trait of not playing in perfect phase aligned time and you have a truly unique experience, and one that cannot be easily replicated by doubling up instruments "in the box". Combine this with placing all 9 marimbas all over an expanse over two horizontal planes and you have a rare one off. Marimba swarm is a curiously versatile library conjuring carnival like unison hits recorded over many dynamic layers with different beaters and numerous round robins, to a veritable hail storm of unmeasured tremolos down through the dynamic layers to a soft murmuring of angelic choirs.

烈性战机音频木琴群 KONTAKT |18.6 gb

9木琴放置在整个大厅的空气工作室, 以创造什么只能被描述为一个调谐打击 ' 合唱团 '。具有传染性的选择单一命中, 通过贯通合唱 tremolando 补丁。

一个多才多艺的工具集记录在世界级的空气演播室伦敦由杰克杰克逊通过最好的信号路径到 2 "磁带。与各种混合, 麦克风的立场和观点, 木琴群迎合各种原因。从一个庆祝嘉年华团, 特伦斯泰伦斯马利克启发的前景, 以令人敬畏的史蒂夫德国政府或特里莱利风格系统使用。从一个遥远的男孩合唱团到一个激烈的和轻微的疯狂的木暴雨!这个产品是我们的 "群" 范围的一部分, 形成管弦乐部分出意想不到的一群音乐家放置在大厅周围的空气工作室, 在周围和崇高的画廊。给出一个非凡的空间和规模感, 但也定义。对于任何想在他们的音乐中制造混乱的人类敬畏的作曲家来说, 那些希望用一些真正意想不到的东西来 wow 他们的客户, 但却光荣听的制作人。

木材是一种活生生的物质, 它在不同的条件下膨胀和收缩。对于木质的仪器, 季节可以影响共振, 仪器的谐波表。对于使用木材本身来创造音高的仪器来说, 这可能会导致 microtonal 的不同。它的一部分, 是什么给了木琴它的丰富的声音。因此, 它应该遵循, 没有木琴的音符是要完全匹配另一个。当结合9在一起, 因此, 你得到9明显不同的音符听起来齐声。结合这与自然人的特点, 不玩在完美的阶段对齐的时间, 你有一个真正独特的经验, 和一个不能轻易复制通过加倍的工具 "在框中"。结合这与配售所有9木琴在一个广阔的两个水平的平面, 你有一个难得的关闭。木琴群是一个奇怪的多才多艺的图书馆魔术般的狂欢节, 如统一命中记录在许多动态层与不同的搅拌器和无数的圆知更鸟, 一个名副其实的冰雹风暴的不可测的 tremolos 下来通过动态层, 以柔和的低语天使合唱团。